Car Thread

I don't know anything about cars but I want to get my license before the fall ends, so I've been taking a bunch of classes to ensure I pass. However, in terms of getting a car I was thinking something economical like a toyota prius hybrid. Mostly because its not super expensive and it seems pretty cost effective with the gas.
I love my prius. Phenomenal car to have in the arsenal.

My Wrangler was built on Friday, just waiting for it to ship to the dealership. It will not be cost effective with gas.
wish we had these out here...
Didn't Chev or Buick import them with the sedans?
They are little more than a penis extension that makes a loud noise. In that build they are fucking useless to carry loads, they are useless over anything larger than a pebble and opening them up on the open road requires three refuels before the rear wheels have stopped spinning.
ugh, i hate those stupid "penis" remarks. People say that about fast/nice cars because they either a)cant afford one and are just plain jealous b)because they dont know shit about racing/fast cars or handling one or c) they've been emotionally traumatized in the past by guys who drive said cars. People also tend to say that about larger pickups because they drive some stupid eco friendly hipster hatchbacks. I find it that people who have to make such comments are the ones that are actually trying to prove something. The guy clearly didn't buy that car to haul lumber and concrete to work, he bought it to haul ass.

And we dont have Holdens out here. We also dont have any sporty pickups either ... well not ones that come stock from the dealers.

Oh look a Ferrari? penis extension. A corvette? penis extension. A Camaro or a Mustang? Penis extension? An HD Silverado or Ram? Penis extension. Loud, fast and powerful cars? Pssshhh who needs that gay ass shit. A prius or some shitty station wagon? NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A PROPER VEHICLE NO?

edit: And these cars are built for performance, not showing off. Have you ever been on a drag strip or a track? No one who drags a rear wheel monster at 100+ mph needs a "penis extension".
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They are a penis extension because the bogans that drive them in this country need to substitute for something. Sure they are fast but they handle like shit at the speed limit that they get driven at 99% of the time. The kitted out go fastie model is a shit ride because they change the springs and tyres and that equates to a shittier ride 99% of the time it's driven. Most of the time the fuckwits who drive them drive them on redline in third gear because loud is better than being a normal road user. Their pay load is shit because they put all the extra crap on it and lower the thing to the ground so that it can't get over a speed hump. It can't tow a trailer because the 1 tonne capacity it left the shop with is down to 350kg with all the plastic fantastic racing shit on it. Then the full blown "here's my small dick can you please rub it because my hands are sore" moment comes when the fucking idiots who own them go and stick a fucking stupid Chevy bow tie on the grill like it's something to be proud of. So yes it's a penis extension for only those with the smallest of dicks.

Either Buick or Chevy imported the sedans when it was announced that GM was pulling out of Australia. It was a last ditch effort of the parent company to try and convince Aussies not to abandon the company that was abandoning the country. Whether the utes got imported or not I don't remember but the sedans definitely did and several years ago one of the PD's over there ordered an entire fleet. They wont be ordering much now as production on the entire Dunnydoor range has stopped here now and they are using a model from somewhere else that is front wheel drive and has traditionalist hating GM and everything they do.

As for them being performance cars sure maybe they are built for it but 99% of them spend their day in bumper to bumper traffic rarely getting over 50kph. A few youtube videos on the track accounts for fuck all of the actual number built and driven by tradesmen and bogans.
dude the cars i posted above are vehicles that spend most of their time on the track. Was that not evident after watching those clips or are you just splurting nonsense out of your ass because some poser bogans revved their engine at you? Some of them dont even get driven on the street and get trailored straight to the track. No one is going to put that much time, money and effort into those cars just to show them off ... you can do that very easily without spending money on actual performance upgrades. Sure you can have posers driving similar cars but you can easily tell the difference, but maybe you cant? Slapping on phony badges, a spoiler and a shitty cat back exhaust doesn't make your car a performance vehicle. And this even applies for models that come straight from the dealer. No one is going to buy a supercharged ZL1 or a Z28 to "show off" when they can just do that with a base model and dump a $1-2k's in it to make it LOOK and SOUND sporty. There's a BIG difference there. But why am i even talking to you about this, you literally just mentioned towing again and complained about the comfort of the ride when talking about PERFORMANCE RACING VEHICLES.

A few youtube videos on the track accounts for fuck all of the actual number built and driven by tradesmen and bogans.
Dude, most base Camaros, Mustangs, Challengers are also driven by regular folks out here too. But what does that have to do with me talking about ones that are built for speed? Did i post a pictures/videos of regular Maloos? No, i posted ones that are built to rip ass. I'm not sure if you can tell the difference between a poser vehicle and one that's actually built to perform(im almost sure you cant after reading your posts here), but nobody dislikes those types as much as the people who actually race their cars. Posers are not respected in any aspect of life.

And again, no one who rips up the track or a drag strip with a RWD monster at lightning speeds needs a "penis extension". It's an incredibly stupid and nonsensical thing to say just because you don't like those cars. It takes a good amount of balls and driving skills to do what we do. Have you ever opened up a 500+ HP rear wheel car with all the "nannies" turned off? Just curious

look at this guy, he's such a poser amirite? he clearly dumped all that money into his twin turbo setup just to show off to the plebs out there in traffic, amirite? :lol:

Either Buick or Chevy imported the sedans when it was announced that GM was pulling out of Australia. It was a last ditch effort of the parent company to try and convince Aussies not to abandon the company that was abandoning the country. Whether the utes got imported or not I don't remember but the sedans definitely did and several years ago one of the PD's over there ordered an entire fleet. They wont be ordering much now as production on the entire Dunnydoor range has stopped here now and they are using a model from somewhere else that is front wheel drive and has traditionalist hating GM and everything they do.
yeah, the last Pontiacs were basically Holdens(or maybe the other way around). But we never got those pickups out here and the name Holden doesn't exist here either. And the way those pickups are designed is basically heaven for someone who's intro drag racing. They would sell pretty good out here too imo.
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The cars you posted are still shit box Dunnydoors, they are dime a dozen toys with a bit of work done on them and when they have four doors we use them as taxis, if you want to think they are something special thats great, reality is never like the internet. They might be built to 'rip ass' (and the owners no doubt get their quota of ripped asses) but each one of those cars you posted is still a road registered toy therefore they spend 99% of their time at 60kph or less.

Make all the assertions you want about me and what you think I don't know about the Australia Street Machine and racing scene. Make all the assertions you want that you know something about the cars I grew up with that you didn't. And make all the assertions your want that posting a few videos somehow makes you more knowledgeable on the subject of penis extensions, at the end of the day it's not me making a fool of myself.
The cars you posted are still shit box Dunnydoors, they are dime a dozen toys with a bit of work done on them and when they have four doors we use them as taxis, if you want to think they are something special thats great, reality is never like the internet. They might be built to 'rip ass' (and the owners no doubt get their quota of ripped asses) but each one of those cars you posted is still a road registered toy therefore they spend 99% of their time at 60kph or less.

the cars i posted are what? Are you kidding me? again, thanks. And btw the one in that last clip is not even street legal, but im sure you already knew that right? :lol:

Make all the assertions you want about me and what you think I don't know about the Australia Street Machine and racing scene. Make all the assertions you want that you know something about the cars I grew up with that you didn't. And make all the assertions your want that posting a few videos somehow makes you more knowledgeable on the subject of penis extensions, at the end of the day it's not me making a fool of myself.
im not making assertions, just pointing out facts. You basically did it to yourself with your "informative" posts where you evidently couldnt tell the difference between vehicles that are built to perform and ones that are built to be driven by taxi drivers and teenagers who scare you. And lets get one thing straight, i grew up around performance vehicles my whole life. I have worked on, driven and owned more GM vehicles than you have probably ever seen. I have worked on more LT and LS(the ones in that car that you"grew up with") engines than you can possibly imagine. Assumptions lmao. The fact that you cant tell the difference between two types of cars after i literally linked you videos of says everything that i need to know about your knowledge when it comes to these cars. I linked him drag monsters and he's fucking talking to me about taxis and poser kids lmao
t And btw the one in that last clip is not even street legal, but im sure you already knew that right? :lol:

Edit's after the fact don't make the case. However the rego plates on the blue Dunnydoor you posted on the drag strip show it is street registered and a rego check with the appropriate state authority would confirm that, but I'm sure you'd know that knowing so much about the Australian street legal drag racing scene.

The rest of your post is just horse shit.
ugh, i hate those stupid "penis" remarks. People say that about fast/nice cars because they either a)cant afford one and are just plain jealous b)because they dont know shit about racing/fast cars or handling one or c) they've been emotionally traumatized in the past by guys who drive said cars.
d.) We're betas dissociated and grossed out by such alpha displays which we can't relate to as we're uncomfortable with drawing attention to ourselves.

My 2002 Civic is one of the nicest cars ever through my eyes and there aren't many things I'd trade it for. I still drive it like a penis extension sometimes. ;)

Edit's after the fact don't make the case. However the rego plates on the blue Dunnydoor you posted on the drag strip show it is street registered and a rego check with the appropriate state authority would confirm that, but I'm sure you'd know that knowing so much about the Australian street legal drag racing scene.
Street registered=/= street legal. I'm sure you already knew that right?

Slicks are not legal on the streets of Australia, i'm pretty sure you knew that too right?

The funniest part is where you started talking about 4 doors after i posted pictures of HSV Maloo's :lol: how clueless can you possibly be?
d.) We're betas dissociated and grossed out by such alpha displays which we can't relate to as we're uncomfortable with drawing attention to ourselves.
So fast cars, luxury cars, big pickups, etc basically anything except shitty 4 bangers are for alpha males who seek attention?

The guy drives a giant diesel pickup(if im not mistaken) that would probably run over your car like a monster truck. And my daily driver is a Suburban. That being said, you must be a giant twat to think that enjoying speed in any way means you're seeking attention or that you're some sort of alpha. And i dont care about what kind of attention a fucking Camaro gets on the streets as long as its not the cops. I dont drive my cars to impress anyone and my windows are tinted and up at all times so i dont worry about interacting with the rest of the world lol
Street registered=/= street legal. I'm sure you already knew that right?

Slicks are not legal on the streets of Australia, i'm pretty sure you knew that too right?

The funniest part is where you started talking about 4 doors after i posted pictures of HSV Maloo's :lol: how clueless can you possibly be?

Holy fuck are you really serious? Street regoed and street legal are the same fucking thing, to be legal on the street it has to be registered. In the state you see it there of course it's not street legal, take the fat slicks off it and the chute and you have a daily driver stuck in traffic, hence the fucking rego plates. Don't you know how to take a set of racing tyres off a vehicle for road use?

The four door comment had nothing to do with what you are making it out to be. A HSV ute is a 2 door Dunnydoor, built off the same chassis and out of the factory with similar running gear and body. Dunndoors are common taxi's hence put four doors on a ute and they become taxis. I wouldn't have thought such a comment would need to be explained to someone who knew so much about Australian motorsport,