OK, Don't ass rape me for asking, I know this is dumb, but I'm confused.

When does the DVD ONLY come out in Canada? I know the WORLDWIDE release for all formats is said to be October 16th, but does the DVD only come out sooner?

Something_Wild said:
Does anyone know if the DVD or CD has leaked yet? At least I can't find any torrents or what so ever. Of course I'm buying the DVD, but still, would be nice to watch it tonight or something...

And it's still amazing that it hasn't leaked yet.. It's like a week left to the official release and all. :hypno:

CD has, but i'm still buying the DVD

AW WELL, I guess I'll call around see if any store here can tell me for sure, I know it said worldwide was 24th, but thatw as for alL formats.. i was jsut curious if anyone knew for sure when the dvd by itself comes out, maybe sooner?
Heartless_Name said:

AW WELL, I guess I'll call around see if any store here can tell me for sure, I know it said worldwide was 24th, but thatw as for alL formats.. i was jsut curious if anyone knew for sure when the dvd by itself comes out, maybe sooner?

Fuck, dude.


"Here are the full release details for "Chaos Ridden Years - Stockholm Knockout Live" :

1) DVD (worldwide release. Finland: October 11th; Europe: October 16th; USA: October 24th)
2) 2CD (worldwide release. Finland: October 11th; Europe: October 16th; USA: October 24th)
3) DVD+2CD Deluxe Sound & Vision edition (Europe only release. October 16th)"

You're in Canada so for the DVD only it's October 24.
^ OK, that's ghey. Sorry, I thought that was the case, but I was just hoping and wondering. It was the wording that confused me, I'm slow lmao. There was different editions being released different times, so I was confused. Forgive me, but thanks for responding. Fuckers pushed it back from oct. 10th to the 24th, fuck me that sucks :(:(:( I CAN"T WAIT!
As i said, the CD has been leaked so you can get preview too if you want...

Sounds spot on so far, bet HCDR is happy..
umosay said:
As i said, the CD has been leaked so you can get preview too if you want...

Sounds spot on so far, bet HCDR is happy..

LMAO, Yeh! Well if he isn't screw him anyways, he doesn't have to come here or listen to them or watch the DVD anyways.

AND MOTHERFUCKER! :( I just pre-ordered CRY! It doesn't come out till Oct 24th, that ain't fair. Hopefully someone from europe/finland puts it on the net. I'll still buy the dvd, but i cant wait! aw well.. the concert in december is even further... I'll live! I hope! :P:P:P:rock:
"Stocholm!!!! Your the best f*cking metal people ever! That's what i'm talking about right now...!!"

He's so funny between songs
I think there is nothing funny about it at all. He swears A LOT. It is believed that the amount of swearing increases in the vocabulary of uneducated people. I have nothing against swearing at all but it is A LOT. I can see it if he is pissed off. But there is no reason for him to be pissed off.


Regarding the music, I'm only a few songs in but it sounds damn good. Much better playing then when I saw them in November 2005. That was really a huge low point. Even the AYDY songs sound fierce and strong. I like it more than I thought I would have.
Something_Wild said:
I agree. Too many "fuck!" :Smug:

Are you guys tired!?!?! Wanna go home and sleep?? *snore noises* FUCK THAT SHIT, MAN!


P.S. Fuck that, Alexi is the fucking best motherfucker who ever fucking played fucking guitar !:D:D:D:D He doesn't fucking, say 'fuck' to fucking much, so fuck off, FUCK!! BTW What the fuck is wrong with fucking saying 'fuck' a fucking lot?

(lmao just kidding, it is comical, sorta cheesy, his little stuff inbetween. He said all that same shit at the concert I went to back in March, I think he just does it to get the crowd going a bit and then he catches his breath during Janne's little keyboard parts that last a few seconds before going into the next song Just purely for enter-fucking-tainment. ;))
:rock: :rock: :rock: