Charlie Writes in.....


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
This is posted on the Website........

There cannot be an American out there that feels good right now. I know my voice means Shit, in fact...the way I feel right now, nobody's voice means a thing. Is Louisiana in America?? It doesn't look like it to me. These Politicians are so concerned with making sure they pat themselves on the back and say "congressman so and so did such a great job," WHAT?? I'm sure you are watching what I have been watching, who the hell is doing A GREAT JOB? I was so Happy to see CNN's Anderson Cooper become Human and let his emotions come out and be REAL!
Our Prez does not have the capability to handle these type of things, please don't Jump all over me for saying this... I truly believe it. I just don't "feel it" with him.

What took so long? Why did the Prez on the 2nd day of this Tragedy fly to San Diego and Not to Louisiana? Why so late to act on this? WHY WHY WHY?

We will never get an answer! Think about it? Even if you are a Bush supporter... think for a second... oh, I bet you have some answer if you're a Bush supporter - never mind.

These people are taking any means necessary down there... I would do the same. If your kids, your girl, your mom were dying and needed water or food, what would you do??

We all will pay for this too. Watch how our insurance goes up and GAS will go up more. Why don't they take the tax off of the gas price? People need to get to work, how can they afford to fill their tanks? It cost $52.00 to fill my tank today, and it wasn't even filled up, hahahahaha... I gotta laugh.

Make me a Hybrid that has some style for God's sake!

I am so sorry for what has happened to you people down there my heart and my donation has gone out to you.

I am emotional and venting. Links to donate on the home page. Thanks for reading.

Embarrassed and Sad,
Charlie B
I couldn't agree more (that's obvious from my own post in OT: Chaos in LA). Not only do I feel sad and embarrassed, but helpless as well. I will donate money but it just doesnt' feel like enough.
well written,as for the baggin g of bush it just dont wash man,just think this is one big fuck up that has just happened and they cant redistribute the water(its still rising right? for fucks sake,fuck its not like bush can wave a fucking wand around,they are called disasters for a reason,lets hope some real progress can be made in the coming days,it makes me sick people being so damn critical.
I hope all the best for the people there !
I have been last year in the area of hurrican charlie and helped some people there, but this is nothing against this here!
In such a case the president has to be strong to co-ordinate everything .. but what does he make smile to the TV and telling some others made mistakes .... he should transfer his right to the major of new orleans!
may all the people be saved !
I'm ashamed to call George W. Bush our president. I mean, if this had happened in some godforsaken hole-in-the-earth third world country you can bet your ass we would've jumped up and lent a hand a.s.a.p. But alas, this huge tragedy in our own back yard doesn't seem to warrant the full attention of our government.
I'm proud to call GW Bush my president.
If you don't think this has the full attention of the government, you're living in a hole.

Charlie needs to stick to commenting on things he actually knows about.
Go write some music.
I voted for Bush but I'm NOT a Bush supoorter. I voted for him because I think he was the better of two horrible choices. I honetly don't think this situation would be any better had Kerry been the pres but that's still no excuse for how slow the help has been trickling in.
In my opinion the main people to blame are the elected officials in LA who KNEW that the levees were only build to withstand a catagory 3 hurricane and they've known that for years and years and year after year they put off fixing them because they thought it would be too expensive. Whatever the expense would have been it would be a tiny tiny drop in the bucket compared to how much it's going to take to completely rebuild the city and the lives that were ruined because of this.
Yes Bush should have been on top of things from the start but the city of NO should have had a better plan in place to get people out in this situation since they had to know this was bound to happen eventually. There's a lot of blame to be placed in this whole thing and Bush's delayed reaction is only a small part of it.
The last 2 leaders of FEMA were Bush's lackys who had no expierence at all in the subject of emergency management. Thanks alot George.
I'm proud to call GW Bush my president.
If you don't think this has the full attention of the government, you're living in a hole.

Charlie needs to stick to commenting on things he actually knows about.
Go write some music.
*applause* *gives tanding ovation* ENCORE!!! ENCORE!!!

Just because you dont hear on TV about all the good things that happen in the world, doesnt mean its not happening.
Its his and most of the countrys opinion, that Bush fucked up on this one. What took him so long to send in help. We were in India, Shr Lanka, Indonesia 2 days after the tsunami. Why the fuck did it take Bush 4.5 fucken days to get those people help. If it was Beverly Hills I guarentee that not only would the President have been there on day one, but help would have been there in minutes. Im a republican and I am appaled by the President, he looked like a fucken asshole on TV last night. Made me ashamed

I'm proud to call GW Bush my president.
If you don't think this has the full attention of the government, you're living in a hole.

Charlie needs to stick to commenting on things he actually knows about.
Go write some music.
I am writing in for someone else so I will put it in quotes

"The President did act. He made New Orleans available for Federal Funds TWO DAYS before the Hurricane hit. I have heard no one complain that the local goverment i.e. the MAYOR of N.O. had any kind of contigency plans to use local transportation to get people out of there. All he said was, get out and offered no solutions. Yes it did take a while for help to get in there but the GOVERNOR of LA and the MAYOR of N.O. did not put people in surrounding areas who could move in and help as soon as it became a problem. Once the storm hit people were cut-off and couldn't get in because of the distance it of where they were coming. With all of that being said, no matter is never an excuse for some of the acts that have gone on down there. Don't give me shit about don't need flat screen TVs to survive a hurricane. And murders and the rape of a child have no place in a society no matter what the circumstance.

As for gas prices, if it cost you that much to put gas in your vehicle you must have some sort of SUV...moron. Don't whine about one forced you to buy something you don't need. As far as the taxes on gas, before you say get rid of them altogether you should know what they go for. Say they go for Highway and Transportation, you would be the type that would be the first to complain about the roads going to shit. We are definitely taxed way too much, but the comforts of our lives have to be paid for somehow. Although I would be for going through those taxes on gas to see what is needed and what is not."

That's it.
SaviourSelf said:
IDon't give me shit about don't need flat screen TVs to survive a hurricane. And murders and the rape of a child have no place in a society no matter what the circumstance.
That's it.
I totally agree there man. I saw footage on the news of people carrying looted stereo equipment, tv's, bags full of Nike's, etc... I'd be more concerned about food, water, and diapers for my kid.
His message was pointless. He may as well go outside and scream to the sky WHY? Yes this was a terrible event that screwed up alot of peolpe's lives, but why blame anyone. Charlie bitchin about the price of gas! YOU RICH FUCK! Why dont you take your ass down there and fix everything yourself!! FUCK YOU, YA DOUCHE! Ska Ska Ska Schism!!
Hello Pot, this is Kettle calling.

Your message is as pertinent as the dook I just flushed. Please go get your mommy to read his post to you, because its obvios you didnt read it, or lack the mental capacity to understand adult conversations. Was he bitching about gas, no he is bitching how people are going to use this disaster as an excuse to fuck everyone with higher insurance, and higher gas prices. Its his message/opinion on his website, dont like it, fuck off.

SO FUCK YOU ya douch go back to the Milano board with all the other Troglodytes that lurk there. Eat a dick you bitch.

Bleearg said:
His message was pointless. He may as well go outside and scream to the sky WHY? Yes this was a terrible event that screwed up alot of peolpe's lives, but why blame anyone. Charlie bitchin about the price of gas! YOU RICH FUCK! Why dont you take your ass down there and fix everything yourself!! FUCK YOU, YA DOUCHE! Ska Ska Ska Schism!!

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