Charlie Writes in.....

Damon, yea peope like you are what is needed, great job! I think Texas is a much better model of what regional government and community action is all about. That is why I am scared for California; its government is a mess like in Louisiana.
Disease and how to clean it up should be what people are worried about. They'll get the people out as they're doing today. Then what ? Where is everybody gonna go ? Are they sick and going to spread diseases ?
The people looting consumer items like t.v.s , clothes and the like, along with the assholes committing violent crimes should be shot. Live like a dog, die like a dog. Nobody want's to be accountable for their actions.
I'm sick of all the whining. You don't like it, do something about it. Come on here and say i donated what money i could or, I found a way to donate my time to help. Leave your gas guzzeling SUV in the garage one day this weekend and walk down to the store.These complaints are petty in the scope of what's going on in LA. I seen a National Gaurdsmen on the news who said he just got back from Iraq a couple of weeks ago and, now he's on his way to New Orleans for up to 6 weeks. "What ever it takes" he said. That is comendable to me. Lend a hand , a little goes a long way. Damon505 your respnse is what this thread needed.
well i could explain why were are goin in to glabal warming but its hard to find the words that i need.. basicly because the planet is wrapped in a bungee jump cord.. and tzhat is attached to the sun.. after years and years the string expands and we have an ice age.. but it becomes smaller again and we get near the sun.. glabal warming.. melting of crap.. and then it starts all over.. it is also because of gravity that we get pulled from the plants thats sorta how the cord doesnt rip.. does anybody understand what im saying???
"it is also because of gravity that we get pulled from the plants thats sorta how the cord doesnt rip.. "

I understood up to this point. I don't understand that comment though.
planets ^^.. i mean.. basicly its a cicle.. and the earthj is being pulled by every planet in our galaxy.. that keeps the cord from ripping and us flying around in the galaxy.. but its also negativ because of all the gravity.. and stuff we are getting pulled to the sun.. so it gets hotter.. in thousands of years the gravity of the other planets will balance us back to our normal position and then pull with more strength.. so what will happen?? it will get cold again because the sun isnt strong enough to pull us its way.. so.. its just a cicle of gravity and the planet earth being pulled around in the galaxy.. ^^ :D do u get it :D ^^
its hard for me to explain in english it would be better in german so just forget what i said^^


german jackass: shut the fuck up ^^
karrokid said:
Disease and how to clean it up should be what people are worried about. They'll get the people out as they're doing today. Then what ? Where is everybody gonna go ? Are they sick and going to spread diseases ?
The people looting consumer items like t.v.s , clothes and the like, along with the assholes committing violent crimes should be shot. Live like a dog, die like a dog. Nobody want's to be accountable for their actions.
I'm sick of all the whining. You don't like it, do something about it. Come on here and say i donated what money i could or, I found a way to donate my time to help. Leave your gas guzzeling SUV in the garage one day this weekend and walk down to the store.These complaints are petty in the scope of what's going on in LA. I seen a National Gaurdsmen on the news who said he just got back from Iraq a couple of weeks ago and, now he's on his way to New Orleans for up to 6 weeks. "What ever it takes" he said. That is comendable to me. Lend a hand , a little goes a long way. Damon505 your respnse is what this thread needed.

I can understand taking clothes because I'm sure people need clean clothes but the rest of the consumer items, I agree with you.

As for what I am doing, I heard on Fox about a guy who manages property and opened up 40 apartments for people to live in for the next 60 days. I sent Fox an email and hope that they get in touch with the guy to get in touch with me because I have baby clothes, magazines and some arts and craft supplies that I want to send for the kids. It may not be much but its something to give the kids some normalcy, you know?. I also run a support board that I am going to see if anyone on there wants to try to "adopt a family" with me. I'm not sure how I would go about doing that yet but there has to be a way. When my town has its fundraiser, I'm going to volunteer my time for that as well. And when I get paid next week, I'm going to make a donation, even though it will be a small one, to the Red Cross.

I have an open room in my house that would be perfect for a single mom with an infant and it kills me that I can't offer it to anyone since I live in my mother's house and I know she wouldn't want me doing this. However, if it was my own home, you can bet your ass I would offer it to someone.

So yes I am bitching about how things are movig so slowly but I'm also planning on helping as well and believe me, I wish I could do more.
I just feel that people are pissed off in la because it's there tax money that is being put into shame. SUre bush may have not called out for this trajedy but what the fuck do my tax money have to show for us and those people in LA. They need help. they need our help. they need to survive. they need to live. ETC>>>ETC>>>>ETC>>>> hey; charlie and many others just obsereved what they see and there is nothing wrong with that. But when there is a war in a IRAq or in other countries that may be a benefit to the U.S; Fuck our leaders and congress sure react in a heart beat to get innocent people killed and take care what needs to be taken care of in our leaders eyes. And do not forget people that your money and mine are doing all the clean up. WHAT A FUCKIN SHAME !!!
I just hope that the elected officials in LA don't get re-elected again. They had plenty of time to fix what needed to be prepared in case of an major weather situation. On behalf of my wife and I our thoughts and prayers go out to every single person.<<THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ENDINGS ONLY NEW BEGINNINGS>> an old chinese proverb.
Ah man I read something in the paper friday and apparently about a year ago someone predicted there would be a hurricane in new orleans in august of this year. That was over a year ago!!!!!!!!!!!! Where was everyone when this was stated????

And maybe bush could had reacted faster to this situation had he not sent as many national guard troops to Iraq!!! The national guard members have even said this themselves in interviews. They simply do not have enough people to get in there and help.

And as for the rape and slitting of womens throats in restrooms in the superdome and the frightened man that was shot by a national guardsmen after he jumped on the windshield to try and get their attention to help a girl that was being raped, that is just fuckin sad. Everyone needs to calm down and not have their nerves so fuckin racked it only makes things worse.

However that being said the raping and stealing is way too overstressed by the media and that only accounts for a small percentage of the people of new orleans. A few sick fucks doing sick fuck things got way too blown out of proportion. There are more people doing good things than bad I am sure, just the way the media works. People dont want to hear about positive things they want to hear fucked up shit. Goddamn!
IMO, the whole situation is a big clusterfuck. The feds, the state, & the locals "dropped the ball" on this one (haha). All we can do is help the people who need the help: the folks from Louisiana & Mississippi... (and no, I don't like W very much, but for different reasons than this)

The thing that really burns me is that this might fuck with the NFL games in Houston & NO in the next few weeks! GODDAMIT! Good thing I have none of those dudes on my fantasy footbal roster...

Oh, and the football thing was a joke, so there. Y'all sound really angry, and sometimes we need to lighten up about the politics in the USA...
People down there have average income of $8,000 per year. Majority of them have no cars, credit cards, even saving accounts. Should have they listened and evacuated on their own? After knowing what happened next I say "Yes". Nevertheless those mostly black, uneducated, some may say - spoiled AMERICAN CITIZENS still didn't have to die from starvation, dehydration, infection, rape, murder and other shit IN THE AFTERMATH. The flooding had already stopped (when - by tuesday?), and Bushie's friend Browny (the head of FEMA, aka Dickhead) didn't even know by THURSDAY that there are more than 10 fucking thousand people in that convention center. Some fucking friend... with friends like that one Bush needs no enemies.
Who are all these new People....... i don't think too many regulars commented on this post.......?????

He wait too Long just as 9-11..... thats the problem.
People down there have average income of $8,000 per year. Majority of them have no cars, credit cards, even saving accounts. Should have they listened and evacuated on their own? After knowing what happened next I say "Yes". Nevertheless those mostly black, uneducated, some may say - spoiled AMERICAN CITIZENS still didn't have to die from starvation, dehydration, infection, rape, murder and other shit IN THE AFTERMATH. The flooding had already stopped (when - by tuesday?), and Bushie's friend Browny (the head of FEMA, aka Dickhead) didn't even know by THURSDAY that there are more than 10 fucking thousand people in that convention center. Some fucking friend... with friends like that one Bush needs no enemies.

I read that the Executive Director said on Thursday that he didn't know that the people were without food and water. I thought have you been watching the news at all? Why the hell did he think that they were going to the stores and getting the food and water? He just should have never said that in my opinion. It just helped add to my opinion that the government screwed this one up.
thraxx said:
Who are all these new People....... i don't think too many regulars commented on this post.......?????

He wait too Long just as 9-11..... thats the problem.
Thanks for starting this thread, dude!:hotjump:
The things that´s weird to me as a Swede is that people steal fucking big-ass plasma TV´s that have stood in 4 feet of water for 2 days and that everyone seems so happy in a macho way that they get to gun down some looters "These guys back from Iraq knows how to shoot and will do it". Hey, why not rebuild New Orleans a few miles up and keep the old one as a "Running Man"-zone.
Hey, why not rebuild New Orleans a few miles up and keep the old one as a "Running Man"-zone.
"I'll be back"
"Only in a re-run"
Yeah or like a floating prison kinda like "Escape from New York" . with Snake Pliskin and all. "The duke of New York A#1 "
Now this thread is gonig somewhere.
Those are good ideas.

Those of you outside the US have to understand that the fucking idiot looters who stole TVs and stereos are uneducated, poverty stricken lower-life forms who couldn't survive in any other country without rich people's tax dollars supporting them. This hurricane was meant to KILL them. Unfortunately they survived.

I believe that the human beings who have more than half a brain moved out of the area.

Those stupid bottom-feeding dirt bags make the citizens of the US look bad.
Yeah and because they are mostly all black people, rev jesse jackson and others are saying if they were white we would have been down there helping em in a sec. Bullshit! I dont care if they were black are white, it wasnt racism. Im not racist, but it is true that the majority of the poor in Louisiana were black and that's why they didnt leave. Not racism.

I do think either way the reaction to this was too slow though. It makes me realize that we are not veyr well prepared here in the US, we are too damn busy with other countries!