Check this shit!

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Jerry (Ed) 's grandma gave him a bible, she claims her boss's son has ties to Head from Korn, he lives two houses away from him, and he signed a bible for Jerry. They went to Israel together for his baptizing. And it IS signed, kids.

Edit: Photos to come soon.
I wonder if it's the trendy thing today for relatively famous guys in bands traditionally opposed to Christian dogma (read, Head Maynard Keenan) to suddenly flip the fucking coin to the other side simply because it is the most blasphemous thing to do :)
Random Beard said:
I thinks its mental collapse, and they need antipsychotics :D

Mental collapses are running rampant today. I really hope that guy (the fucktard imbecile lacking any social ...fuck it, HUMAN skills) I went to the faire with today is retarded. There's just no other excuse. That is the LAST time I hang out with someone I met on the net.

sup David :wave: :oops:
BlackwaterNymph said:
Mental collapses are running rampant today. I really hope that guy (the fucktard imbecile lacking any social ...fuck it, HUMAN skills) I went to the faire with today is retarded. There's just no other excuse. That is the LAST time I hang out with someone I met on the net.

sup David :wave: :oops:

I removed my social skils and replaced them with just not being an ass. It seems to work...kind of like switching Folgers with that Other Brand.
Malergion said:
I removed my social skils and replaced them with just not being an ass. It seems to work...kind of like switching Folgers with that Other Brand.

You appear to have many redeeming qualities.

I was just hoping he'd choke at some point during the day. It was so bad I tried to lose him in the crowd (and we were about a 2 hour drive from home) so I could take off. *shudder* That is one of two horrible internet meetings I've had. Worse than "oh I forgot to mention my lazy eye and my 34 cats" guy, I think.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Especially for one litter box.

I should have wondered why all of his pictures were just the left side of his face. That should be a red flag. I require full body photos now.

I wonder what was wrong with the other side...did he get too friendly with his cats?