Check this shit!

I just recall the lazy eye and some serious acne problems that other guy had.

I hope this new freak doesn't bother me after today, looks like I'll have to change my phone number. AGAIN.

And yes, everyone is a psychopathic serial rapist in real life. Even myself. If you count corpse rape.
BlackwaterNymph said:
You appear to have many redeeming qualities.

I was just hoping he'd choke at some point during the day. It was so bad I tried to lose him in the crowd (and we were about a 2 hour drive from home) so I could take off. *shudder* That is one of two horrible internet meetings I've had. Worse than "oh I forgot to mention my lazy eye and my 34 cats" guy, I think.
Doesn't sound as bad as the chick who hunted me out from another web board, then we started hanging out, but she was crazy. A model from the city, but totally looney. Then she wouldn't let me dump her. As the story goes, she was a mafia princess and her dad was one of the big bosses that went to prison for a long time. Very scary, but I got myself out of that one.

And yes, everyone is a psychopathic serial rapist in real life. Even myself. If you count corpse rape.
It's not rape so long as the corpse doesn't say "No". You don't hear a peep, and it's all consentual in the eyes of the law.
sknight said:
Doesn't sound as bad as the chick who hunted me out from another web board, then we started hanging out, but she was crazy. A model from the city, but totally looney. Then she wouldn't let me dump her. As the story goes, she was a mafia princess and her dad was one of the big bosses that went to prison for a long time. Very scary, but I got myself out of that one.

It's not rape so long as the corpse doesn't say "No". You don't hear a peep, and it's all consentual in the eyes of the law.

A model? At least she was nice looking. Not only did this jerkoff need to be hidden away in a basement for ugly punishment, but his personality was SHIT. You don't meet someone for the first time, and go through their car, cell phone, and purse. That makes me want to mace you.
BlackwaterNymph said:
A model? At least she was nice looking. Not only did this jerkoff need to be hidden away in a basement for ugly punishment, but his personality was SHIT. You don't meet someone for the first time, and go through their car, cell phone, and purse. That makes me want to mace you.

:tickled: Pewr Sammy.
Should've maced him for fun.

That's why I'm pretty harsh on myspace. I get pushy people wanting to meet or talk on the phone, while I don't want that. I even post all the crap on my blog, but people don't get the idea.

But yeah, I did everything I could to get rid of this chick and it didn't work. Nothing.
sknight said:
Should've maced him for fun.

That's why I'm pretty harsh on myspace. I get pushy people wanting to meet or talk on the phone, while I don't want that. I even post all the crap on my blog, but people don't get the idea.

But yeah, I did everything I could to get rid of this chick and it didn't work. Nothing.

So what's your number? :loco:

I hate getting messages on myspace where guys give me their number. I have a life sized image of me calling some guy I don't know like that.

"Hi this is BlackwaterNymph, is Random Beard available?"
Random Beard said:
Hence why my list stays limited.
I just don't bother, nor will I until maybe enough people I have already conversed with ask me to join. Which, since I'm lame, will probably never happen anyway.
Malergion said:
I'm severely put off by the whole Myspace thing.

My list is mostly UMers, or bands. I do need to do some cleaning.

I checked this one guy that added me out, on his buddy list is my best friend from 3rd grade. She was a little bimbo back then, and now has a child, and works as a stripper. It put a smile on my face.