Check this shit!

Random Beard said:
I do? Thats right, the Jesus coalition will just try to convert them anyway. Feed it to harbor seals.



Oh... HARBOR seals. Oops.
:cry: Poor seal. Get used to the fact that I cry when I see run over animals in the street. I was upset over a butterfly flying into my windshield today. I actually picked up an ant and turned it back over on it's legs, it was all flailing on it's back this afternoon. I'm mean as hell to people, but I'll pick up an ant.
They put those in chocolate too, my sister ate some. They kept trying to force me into it. Finally, I said get them away from me before I hit someone.
Since we were speaking of myspace, I ended up deleting my profile about ten minutes ago. Got pretty weird with one person (no one here) and the thing was pretty lame. It's not like I can't communicate without it, especially when I'm friends with most everyone on my small list.

But it got weird as of late. Very weird. Spent too much time there, so it was time to end it. Sorry, Blackwater Nymph. Only a day after adding her, I delete my profile. I'm sure you'll be broken hearted about that :cry:
sknight said:
Since we were speaking of myspace, I ended up deleting my profile about ten minutes ago. Got pretty weird with one person (no one here) and the thing was pretty lame. It's not like I can't communicate without it, especially when I'm friends with most everyone on my small list.

But it got weird as of late. Very weird. Spent too much time there, so it was time to end it. Sorry, Blackwater Nymph. Only a day after adding her, I delete my profile. I'm sure you'll be broken hearted about that :cry:

He lies. It was me that was getting weird on him. I KNOW YOU POST HERE TOO, YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, seriously. The tears won't stop coming. :cry: