Check this shit!

Reverend Joint Smoker said:
My space is full of psychos. I have never seen a bigger conglomeration of insane, depressed, psychotic, egocentric, sexual predetors in my existance. That whole deal just freaks me out.
For many of those adjectives early in the list, try

I get requests all the time and I simply deny all of them. Problem solved. I use it to keep in touch with my friends and their friends. Nothing more, but then I see people getting riled up and emotional over the fucking internet. Jeez, get a grip on reality. Seriously.

But there are some really freaky people out there on the web.
BlackwaterNymph said:
My list is mostly UMers, or bands. I do need to do some cleaning.

I checked this one guy that added me out, on his buddy list is my best friend from 3rd grade. She was a little bimbo back then, and now has a child, and works as a stripper. It put a smile on my face.
Ha! I dated this really great girl over the summer who was in a molecular genetics research and training program with me. 20 years old. She ended up not being so great because she wouldn't give the ex the boot because he was showering her with money. Not cheating, but I didn't want to deal with him being around. So I dumped her ass and she tried to make me feel like I made a mistake. Well, I bumped into her a couple weeks ago and she was very pregnant. AND it's NOT mine, which made a very good week for me to see her get hers for fucking with me. I was tempted to make fun of her, but the look of embarassment and hurt on her face as she couldn't hide it was good enough for me. Serves her right for being a piece of shit.
sknight said:
Ha! I dated this really great girl over the summer who was in a molecular genetics research and training program with me. 20 years old. She ended up not being so great because she wouldn't give the ex the boot because he was showering her with money. Not cheating, but I didn't want to deal with him being around. So I dumped her ass and she tried to make me feel like I made a mistake. Well, I bumped into her a couple weeks ago and she was very pregnant. AND it's NOT mine, which made a very good week for me to see her get hers for fucking with me. I was tempted to make fun of her, but the look of embarassment and hurt on her face as she couldn't hide it was good enough for me. Serves her right for being a piece of shit.

What IS it with people? My best friend from the Catholic school I went to in K-2nd grade showed up at my house this Halloween, trick or treating with her two kids. These two twin girls that used to bug me all of the time, visit their grandmother who lives across the street from me often. Because she's taking care of both of their kids. Ran into ANOTHER girl I went to school with who works at a grocery store here, and she says yeah I see Priscilla from school in here often, remember her?? Her daughter and my little boy are playmates.

STOP FUCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random Beard said:

You say this a lot and I couldn't figure out what it meant so I looked it up:

Middle English sarde, from Old French, from Latin sarda. A clear or translucent, deep orange-red to brownish-red variety of chalcedony.
Seriously, people can't stop fucking and I know she "trapped" the other guy, so the kid will be a loser, because he doesn't really have any money. The girl is a hollow person that just threw away a promising career in medicine and she'll regret it starting any day now. But seriously, it made me think seriously that it could have jsut as easily been mine, had we continued and I didn't break it off. I already got the references and will most likely have the "factory shut down" before anything happens.

Meant to say the kid will lose in this because the parents are dumb motherfuckers.
To sard is to be one with the rock ( the chalcedony, as it were)...the rock moves as little as move is to break the uttermost bliss.
I do? Thats right, the Jesus coalition will just try to convert them anyway. Feed it to harbor seals.