Chicago: 4/20 review and question

Syd Sabbath

Son of Al Capone
Apr 11, 2004
Okay, for our European brothers on this board, I'm not gonna type too much shit about how amazing this show was, but it kicked major ass. Everygrey is pretty fuckin cool, it's the first time I've heard em.

So: before the show, we were all waiting out in the cold rain for like 2 hours, and one of the Evergrey dudes was walkin around outside talkin to everyone.

Then, after the show, Janne Wirman was downstairs talkin to a few of us for a while, unfortunately 99% of the dudes talkin to him were tryin to give him their demos and shit and lick his ass and all that, so eventually, in the strongest finnish accent i've ever heard, and with a face of despair, he said "I gutta goo tuyk uh peees" so he left and never returned.

When I was about to leave, keep in mind this is all during Iced Earth was playin. I go upstairs, and there, leaning against the bar is Roope Latvala. Holy shit I said, and a few dudes around me are like "thats not him, man" so im like fuck you im talkin to him, and right when I approach him, like 20 dudes go up to him saying shit like WHATS UP ROOOOP, and that ROOOOP pronunciation of his name was kinda pissin him off, in addition to the fact that he was fuckin drunk like a mother fucker. So after these morons took up his free time by askin him shit like "how do you pronounce your name" and shit like that, they left, and I was just like "hey man I just want you to know that your the real legend here tonight, and many people dont know that alexi looked up to YOU and shit man, so I really respect you man." and he seriously was payin attention to me, man, cause i was talkin to him, about him, and i take it everyone else on this tour is askin about Alexi and shit and stuff he doesnt care about. One of the things I heard him say real pissed off was "Im not Alexi, okay?" and when a drunk guy says somethin like that, you know hes pissed.

Anyways, I know all of you have already met theses guys and shit, but to me this was a cool moment, and so I gave Roope this dogtag I had that says "warheart", that ive been wearing for like 5 years, and i swear guys, he fuckin looked like he was about to cry, he was like "no man i cant take this" and im like come on man, keep this with you to remember chicago and usa and how many fuckin fans you have here. and he took it, put it on, and i swear...i almost saw a tear. so I shook his hand said see ya and left. And I didnt ask for an autograph so i think he was happy about that too.

Anyways...the question I had was, for whoever was at that show, or for whoever has met Roope before, has he had this fat ass fuckin south american mother fucker with him that treats everyone like shit and always has his arm around him? I dont know, I wanted to kick his ass. And for the record, Im 270 pounds and Mexican, so im not dissing fat guys or Mexicans.
Cool story dude. Seems you have a certain knowledge about COB, or Roope being Alexi's idol (and not the other way round) which I appreciate a lot. I never asked them for autographs either. And respect to you that you could understand what Roope was saying although he seemed to be drunk- when I met him I failed the whole night in that :D .
But some fans' behaviour really sucks, I mean how can they ask Roope things about Alexi ?! You can't just do something like that, especially when it actually is the guy who taught him to play the guitar some time ago. :worship:
See, shit like this is good cause its not the same "they played this and that and they ruled." this is decent, "With the band" stuff that is great to read.

Nice one bro.
I was outside in the rain too dude ( I was the mexican italian dude with the Killers iron maiden shirt), and saw the evergrey frontman walk by a few times.

I don't like to bother alot of musicians when they walk by.

Schaffer walked by me after the show when me and some buds were the last to leave the metro, and im like cool but preceded to the merchandise counter.:)

But I shook schaffer hand outside his tour bus and met Ralph from IE.
So was this show as good as everyone said the 1st one was? Cant wait to see them in 9 days at the Troc.
This show definitely kicked ass. I went in hyped up for Bodom and got everything I wanted out of their set (wished it was longer though) Anyways, I had never heard much Iced Earth, and they blew me away too. Missed out on Evergreys set though :(
By the way, if any of you cats who were at this show wanna get together and jam, I do rhythm/lead guitar and vocals, so seriously, im lookin to start a band.

It sucks that our Euro brothers on this board ain't here in the states cause id love to jam and drink with you dudes too!

anyways, my shit is
so let me know whats up fellas!
Anyone see the dude in the blue San Jose shirt about 20 peoples back in line getting soaked? Twas I.

I was kinda upset. I know most openers sound like crap because the main band sounds the best but I think Bodom got screwed. Evergrey was HEAVY. And then Bodom was no where near as loud. I was really pissed about that.

I know no one wanted to be in that rain either. Alexi was walking up the line outside and people are all like BODOM!!! He just said "hey" and walked in. Cant blame him it was fucking nasty out. I was Warmen at the bottom of the stairs he looked like he wanted someone to get him and get him away from those idiots. Its too bad people cant be cool and jsut say hi anymore and good show.