children of bodem tour 2009 glasgow!

I was at that gig on Valentines Day, it was a great show. I wanted to hang around after to meet the band but I didn't, I've experienced the aforementioned obsessive fans that giggle and scream and confess their love for Alexi as loud as they can to anyone that will listen O_o I can understand why they might not want to deal with that everynight.

My first post on the forum, btw, nice to be here lol x
Yeah some people are a bit psychopathic towards the band members :S It's ruining their general perception of us methinks. They probably preempted the fuss for Valentines Day and decided to make a break for it early after the gig. I'm finding it hard to blame them.
Nice to have you here :)
Jesus Titty Fucking Christ!
PLEASE don´t make me comment on this one.
I am drunk and abusive!

:lol: don't pay attention to what it is said in this forum. some people think too much that's all, and you know it doesnt represent your fan base ...

I don't see what disrepectful it is when they dont show after the concert. Seriously, we pay to see them on stage, if they show up after the set, then it's great but dont expect them to do it systematically every single night...
I don't see what disrepectful it is when they dont show after the concert. Seriously, we pay to see them on stage, if they show up after the set, then it's great but dont expect them to do it systematically every single night...
Totally agreed :)
But of course then the band also shouldn't say they will come.
Aaaaargh.... Nice done Mr. Warman, now that whole thing starts over again...:grin:
@ Flappy : yeah of course but who the hell knows what really happened that night? they're human, not perfect.
Yes of course, that's the case. We don't know what happened. I think you can only blame them if they never had the intention to come but just said they would, that's not really nice imo. But they probably couldn't come or something so there's nothing to blame them for :)
Different subject now.


Why are yall talking about 'supporting' teh said band. I tend to listen and enjoy the music not worship the guys that make it. Mind you, I tend to avoid immersing myself in any kind of sub-culture. I wouldn't claim to 'support' any band as I assume the musicians are probably proper gits irl. hahaha.
haha supporting the band doesn't mean idolizing them at all..just that you show appreciation for the music and so are happy to pay some money for a cause you enjoy. And supporting the band meaning the music, has nothing to do with whether or not you like the individuals behind it at all really.