Children Of Bodom In San Francisco (trivium got fucking owned)

Ninju said:
Thank you.
It's right there if you want an online source of it. First line.
Other then that, I do work for them from time to time.

Ah, ok, thanks :)

The Bringer said:
Why don't we all get into one giant room sometime soon and all spit on each other. Then we'll see how cool it actually is.

Yeah, and then we could see who would have the nerve to start a pit... or at least tell people to.
Grimes said:
I enjoyed the Trivium set alot more then the Amon Amarth. Some of the stuff from Amon Amarth was good but their sound was not cutting it. I watched one of the guitarist do a solo, but I couldnt hear it. On their last song "Fire" something, they have a part where the guitarist just does hammers + pulloffs for 2 minutes. Trivium has more potential then Amon Amarth to be creative musicians. Their songs are put together much better and their solos blow Amon Amarth's out of the water. Plus their singer is alot more talented then Amon Amarth's. His vocal range goes alot further then just screaming/growling.

However, Trivium's leadman needs to take his ego down a few notchs and take these types of situations more mature. And for whoever said he was too demanding and telling you to get into circlepits, thats the whole point of having bands play before the main event. They get the crowd wound up and ready to fucking headbang/mosh/whatever. I think he did a good job on getting us pumped to see Bodom.

Yes that may be true that Trivium are better musicians and stuff, but Amon Amarth are savage viking warriors.
I can't believe I just read all 9 pages of this thread.. hahaha. Immature or not I hope that Trivium gets booed in Montreal this weekend too. Fuck this band.

I hope Amon Amarth gets a little more than a half hour.
Grimers said:
On their last song "Fire" something, they have a part where the guitarist just does hammers + pulloffs for 2 minutes. Trivium has more potential then Amon Amarth to be creative musicians. Their songs are put together much better and their solos blow Amon Amarth's out of the water. Plus their singer is alot more talented then Amon Amarth's. His vocal range goes alot further then just screaming/growling.
It's not their fault they had a shitty sound, they were the opening act (since metal core is more popular in America I guess - cause they've been around longer).

About the Death In Fire solo...I agree it's not (far from it) the most technical part composed an a guitar.. but it creates a mood you know.

About creativity? I could name you hundreds of bands that sound like Trivium and not too much like Amon Amarth. ..and about the singer's voice - well that's simply a question of taste. I personally think Johan has a killer death voice.. with quite some range. I don't imagine him goin poppy clean vocals during verses.
Ninju said:
The Difference is the intention.

Alexi doesn't spit into the crowd in disrespect.

By that logic, i can piss on your leg by accident and you wouldn't be pissed off at it, yet if i came up and went "HAw you, a'hm gonnae splash y'ur trainers, ya dobber!" and pissed on you, you'd be pissed off?
I was at the Chicago show and pretty much stayed in the back till Bodom came out. I was abit pissed that Amon got the shaft and played a few songs...should have been the other way around for Trivium and Amon but what ever. To my surprise there were more trivium fans there I think that in most of the shows. Defintly the lead singer is a duche for acting like hes a god at the guitar. But the way I look at it is hes up there and Im down here. I wouldnt act out and spit shit at people who shouldnt be up there even if they deserve it cough *dez fafara*...
But Bodom defintly owned and need to headline more shows than playing like 5 songs and going.
-Gavin- said:
By that logic, i can piss on your leg by accident and you wouldn't be pissed off at it, yet if i came up and went "HAw you, a'hm gonnae splash y'ur trainers, ya dobber!" and pissed on you, you'd be pissed off?
Alright let me put it in a different sense.

Alexi spitting into the crowd is considered "godly".. That is by all the overly obsessed people that are all "Oh I want to just sit in his lap" or the guy next to me "I just want Alexi to sign my balls" But to be spat on by Alexi to ME would be disgusting and disrespectful. But i'm not an obsessed fanboy/fangirl. That's just my opinion.

Either way you put it, someone out there, doing what they love, whether you like it or not, you shouldn't be disrespectful. SO SORRY THEY MADE SOMETHING YOU DON'T LOVE, SO YOU HAVE TO SHOW HATRED TOWARDS IT. That is complete and utter bullshit. Sit back, and wait till it's through then go watch the bands you do like. If not, go bitch at COB for adding them to the bill.
The reason why Amon Amarth plays the style they do isn't because a record label tells them to or because they want to appeal to a certain (or mass) group. They want to create an atmosphere. They want to write music THEY enjoy playing. Not music made for OTHERS to enjoy. They want to tell a story. They want to expose the Viking mythology to people who don't know much about it.
The Bringer said:
The reason why Amon Amarth plays the style they do isn't because a record label tells them to or because they want to appeal to a certain (or mass) group. They want to create an atmosphere. They want to write music THEY enjoy playing. Not music made for OTHERS to enjoy. They want to tell a story. They want to expose the Viking mythology to people who don't know much about it.
yeah, that's one of the things I love about AA. They create the Viking and mythological atmosphere. Beginning by coming out and yelling "Are you ready for some viking metal" then taking a drink of beer/ale from a big horn.
Ninju said:
yeah, that's one of the things I love about AA. They create the Viking and mythological atmosphere. Beginning by coming out and yelling "Are you ready for some viking metal" then taking a drink of beer/ale from a big horn.

Cool :headbang: .
The link for the Bodom After Midnight/Bodom Beach Terror download has expired, can someone plz post a new one I want to hear it badly.
COBSteele02 said:
Time for my new nightly posting habit before I go to sleep:

So here it is:
Trivium Suck Balls
Whatever dude.

You're all just a bunch of over opinionated people.

COBSteele02 said:
Time for my new nightly posting habit before I go to sleep:

So here it is:
Trivium Suck Balls

i'm stoned, and listening to Carcass. watching the last gif in your sig is very funny