Children Of Bodom In San Francisco (trivium got fucking owned)

Enemy242 said:
just shut the fuck up ok
No, you shut the fuck up. He’s totally right. No band, no matter how much anyone hates them, deserves to be spat at.

The Bringer said:
the more you guys repeat how much you love them... The more we will repeat how much we do not like them.
My advice is don’t fall into their stupidity by doing what they do.

Enemy242 said:
no, no, just shut the fuck up now ok thanks.
Your infinite brilliance apalls me.
Ninju said:
Sounds good to me, but personally do you find that a reason to disrespect and spit at them? Personally?

I still think they suck balls. But I am in agreement with the fact if I was at a show in which they were playing at, I would just keep my distance from the stage and go to the bar and have a few beers and ignore them.
I was there, it was absolutely fucking insane.

Also, Trivium did the whole 5-minute long circle pit rant, and I just stayed at the back and laughed. Seemed to be a lot of Trivium fans there though. It was funny, after Amon Amarth kicked ass, everyone on the floor left and the Trivium fans took their place and did their circle jerk or whatever, and after Trivium were done they all left and all the real metal fans came back and took their place.
The Bringer said:
I haven't made my valid reason for not liking the band.

They play metalcore. I have 2 Lamb of God albums I don't like them. I have listened to All That Remains, That other remains band and Trivium. MORE than just one song and I don't like it. I DON'T LIKE METALCORE. So I state:


I think that is a valid reason for not liking them. I also don't like traditional death metal so I don't like Cannibal Corpse. I think they sound horrible and I just cannot get into the music. Same fucking reason as to why I don't like Trivium. I can't get into that style of music so I don't like them!

I second that. Metalcore is just well, Lame! I cant think of one metalcore band that stands out from the rest of them. It's all the same formula just repeatly shitted on by bands that suck
trivium last night in philly actually got the crowd going with their music, i personally liked it alot because of the dimebag tributes they made, but one thing that i think is really immature that he did was call this guy "you pussy ass motherfucker, wich little fucking pussy spit on me, if your real tough you'd raise your hand, common common raise you hand you fucking little pussy(etc bla blah) ill get you kicked out of here in a second, yeah thats right you little pussy ass bitch" not exact wording but thats the kind of shit he said and that was really uncalled for he could handled like a real man and just said "who ever just spit on me, dont do it again" instead of going crazy and saying shit like "if you do it again i swear i will jump into the crowd and kick your little pussy ass", how immature of him to do that, i lost most respect for the lead singer of trivium, i think theyre music is good, but that was really gay of how he handled that situation.
BODOM was amazing!!! :)
I liked Trivium when I started getting into guitar effects in songs (used to only listen to Soad lol), then I heard CoB and havent listened to Trivium since, not once.
After reading this topic, I hate Trivium. I Think the way the lead singer acted made spitting on him look like nothing. And no, they arent hardcore and shit, listen to one song.
But I do think people need to not be so immature and tell someone, "Shut the fuck up", when they are stating their opinion, thats such a childish reply, learn to say reasons why you disagree or just dont post at all. Then, you post again when they reply and say, no, shut the fuck up.
Jesus christ, grow up
†Hate Me† said:
I liked Trivium when I started getting into guitar effects in songs (used to only listen to Soad lol), then I heard CoB and havent listened to Trivium since, not once.
After reading this topic, I hate Trivium. I Think the way the lead singer acted made spitting on him look like nothing. And no, they arent hardcore and shit, listen to one song.
But I do think people need to not be so immature and tell someone, "Shut the fuck up", when they are stating their opinion, thats such a childish reply, learn to say reasons why you disagree or just dont post at all. Then, you post again when they reply and say, no, shut the fuck up.
Jesus christ, grow up

yeah , even though i just started going on this forum, i see people just replying with like "no just shut the fuck up" and thats so fucking pointless.
†Hate Me† said:
I liked Trivium when I started getting into guitar effects in songs (used to only listen to Soad lol), then I heard CoB and havent listened to Trivium since, not once.
After reading this topic, I hate Trivium. I Think the way the lead singer acted made spitting on him look like nothing. And no, they arent hardcore and shit, listen to one song.
But I do think people need to not be so immature and tell someone, "Shut the fuck up", when they are stating their opinion, thats such a childish reply, learn to say reasons why you disagree or just dont post at all. Then, you post again when they reply and say, no, shut the fuck up.
Jesus christ, grow up

get over it you whiney cunt. i'm not being serious, its just stupid how everyone is ranting over this for 11 pages, i never would;ve imagine when i made this thread anyone would care so much about it. OMG HE GOT SPIT ON just get over it. fighting about it for so long just wastes your time.
†Hate Me† said:
But I do think people need to not be so immature and tell someone, "Shut the fuck up", when they are stating their opinion, thats such a childish reply, learn to say reasons why you disagree or just dont post at all. Then, you post again when they reply and say, no, shut the fuck up.
Jesus christ, grow up
I think that's too much to ask from him.

Enemy242 said:
get over it you whiney cunt. i'm not being serious, its just stupid how everyone is ranting over this for 11 pages, i never would;ve imagine when i made this thread anyone would care so much about it. OMG HE GOT SPIT ON just get over it. fighting about it for so long just wastes your time.
Can't you post ONCE without insulting someone? Look, here's what i think (and i'm sure i'm not alone in this): Arguing over Trivium's singer getting spat on isn't wasting our time; it's trying to educate people and make them see that spitting on someone is just about the lowest thing you can do, especially if your reason is as stupid as "i don't like their music". Scrolling down on a forum and having to go through shit posts like yours ("just shut the fuck up ok", "no, no, just shut the fuck up now ok thanks" and "get over it you whiney cunt", with terrible grammar and even spelling mistakes) to get to the ones the really matter is wasting our time.
UndoControl said:
I think that's too much to ask from him.

Can't you post ONCE without insulting someone? Look, here's what i think (and i'm sure i'm not alone in this): Arguing over Trivium's singer getting spat on isn't wasting our time; it's trying to educate people and make them see that spitting on someone is just about the lowest thing you can do, especially if your reason is as stupid as "i don't like their music". Scrolling down on a forum and having to go through shit posts like yours ("just shut the fuck up ok", "no, no, just shut the fuck up now ok thanks" and "get over it you whiney cunt", with terrible grammar and even spelling mistakes) to get to the ones the really matter is wasting our time.

none of these even matter, its just rehashing the same thing over and over agian. "no he doesn;t deserve to be spat on" "yes he does i don;t like thier music etc". this topic should just die.
Blushok42 said:
Trivium > Children of Bodom

so to all of u

Suck a Dick
Shut the fuck up.
Noble Viking said:
I've got a good Idea! Let's all sign up at the Trivium Forum, post one post like this guy, and then leave! That'd be brilliant!
Don't even..
Noble Viking said:
I've got a good Idea! Let's all sign up at the Trivium Forum, post one post like this guy, and then leave! That'd be brilliant!
