Children of Bodom

The keys are pretty cheezy. Yes, with a "z".... Some moments are reminiscent of Disney's old Electric Light Parade.
only song I've ever kinda liked is Downfall. and I only like select parts from it. don't understand the love for this band

just like me.. I think they would make pretty good music if the keyboard player won't fuck everything up so bad.. the guitar really sounds good.. but.. the keyboard kinda makes me :puke:
i used to like them, but thats before i discovered much better bands. They got old really fast, and about alexi laiho being "the best guitarist ever" is a really retarded thing to say. he's talented but not better than a lot of other guitarists

and how 99% of the girls that follows CoB like a religion do it because they think laiho is hot :rolleyes:
You see I really like these guys, one of my favs actually. But you guys are right you get these preteen kids who think they are so cool and think that no one is better. Then you get Bam putting them on that stupid cd he is doing and probably trying to make them popular with MTV kids. But also I am not going to have high expectations for their new album