Christian Metal


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
There's some kind of charm to this stuff, desperate people hopelessly praying to a manmade god to save them. It's fun to hear their pleas and for them to believe that they will actually be saved, but they're all still gonna die. That's pretty damn metal tbh.

Stuff like:
Seventh Angel

The more dramatic and the more they believe what they're saying the better. Bonus points for good riffs.
Horde - Hellig Usvart

Not sure how you feel about 'Unblack' metal but I find the whole thing quite hilarious. The amount of cognitive dissonance needed to decide that black metal is a good musical outlet to sing about Christianity is what I find funny.

The time was right to rid the world
Of the serpent's filth and decay
Immaculate purity gave birth to a Son
To enlighten and pave the way
You taught us by example how to be one with the Soul
To be humble and give with your heart,
That Your Kingdom is our goal

Your blood was on our hands
But You returned to wash it away
Forgiving all who deceived themselves
In believing they'd turned You away
You left us with Your Spirit to guide us thru troubled times
But we have lost the light you've placed in us
And replaced it with lust and crime

Thank You for being there, for taking away my pain
For accepting me the way I am, for teaching me
For opening my eyes, For returning my love for You
I need You more every day, to cope with the hate and fear
I know You'll never leave me here alone
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How about Theocracy? I know he won't like Stryper just because he has such a throbbing, irrational hate boner for glam metal, no matter how musically or technically impressive.
@Baroque I think you might specifically like this album by Mortification, where they dropped a lot of their brutal death metal/grindcore elements and added more thrash metal and power metal.

I don't, since John Brenner described the band as "white metal like Trouble" during the band's early years. Anyway, the lyrics that I posted are definitely pro-Christianity.

Fair point, I always just assumed John was nondenominational religious, that's my fault for not listening to the debut enough.
I always forget about them because they mix their Christian lyrics with socialist lyrics, good call. Definitely one of the best and one of my favourites.