Christian Metal/Screamo?

I work with a Christian Metal/Screamo band, and they get a lot of mixed reviews. What I would like to know, is what major fans of this genre of music think about them. They're not huge like Demon Hunter, The Devil Wears Prada etc... But they have played the Teen Tent for Rock The Desert in Midland/Odessa Texas. So, for all of you metal/screamo fans, what do you think of this?

Wow, that was even shittier than I thought. Those "clean vocals" made me laugh like hell though, so I'll give you that.
I hate how it is stigmatized as christian metal. You don't categorize other bands by their lyrical themes! They should be classified like regular old stuff, but some ignorant atheist that thinks all religion should be outlawed will whine that it's forcing their beliefs on him or some BS. Forget that some members are believers and ignore the lyrics. Much of it is still good music. On another note, much Christian death metal is good, Crimson Thorn, Tortured Conscience, Pantokrator, Encryptor, Antidemon, etc. Ignore the cheesy lyrics and enjoy it. It's still angry, just at different enemies. Still disgusted with society and shit, just coming from another direction.
I hate how it is stigmatized as christian metal. You don't categorize other bands by their lyrical themes! They should be classified like regular old stuff, but some ignorant atheist that thinks all religion should be outlawed will whine that it's forcing their beliefs on him or some BS. Forget that some members are believers and ignore the lyrics. Much of it is still good music. On another note, much Christian death metal is good, Crimson Thorn, Tortured Conscience, Pantokrator, Encryptor, Antidemon, etc. Ignore the cheesy lyrics and enjoy it. It's still angry, just at different enemies. Still disgusted with society and shit, just coming from another direction.

Some people care about the lyrics. It would really kill the feeling if a death metal band was singing about flowers, rainbows and gay sex, wouldn't it? Also, most christian bands specifically promote themselves as christian so it's really their own "fault".
I see your point for sure, but when people write them off just for what they believe, I find it annoying. And I agree, many bands play up the whole "WE LUV JESUUUUUUUS" thing way too much. It's annoying. They do it to fit in with the Christians and metalheads and to get to play at like Cornerstone and Agape, but in reality, everyone ends up hating them.
Some people care about the lyrics. It would really kill the feeling if a death metal band was singing about flowers, rainbows and gay sex, wouldn't it?

Not for me. In fact, there are very few death metal bands that I could quote a single verse from. It's different, of course, in your average Queensryche-worshipping 80's band with uber-preachy lyrics, but I would have a hard time caring if I couldn't understand them to begin.
It's a wonder some really evil dudes have'nt formed a fake christian band in order to lure in some god floggers to a live gig then blast them with some blasphemous metal of death.The lyrics,inlay,imagery ect. could quite easily be disguised especially if the band were to play some brutal black war grind.
dude it sucked pretty hard sorry :/

Christianity sucks pretty hard. It’s just some little silly scum faggots stupid cunts trying to excuse their behavior with some silly nonsense. WE WANT THEM ALL BE DEAD SO THEY DON’T FUCKING INTERFERE WITH THE PROGRESS OF SOCIETY. They are just fucking IN THE WAY of everything good. Kill the next one you meet and I’ll send you flowers and tea and vegan food. I WILL KILL ONE TOO for the sake of shit. Put this as your status on facebook if you want all christians to be dead otherwise you will catch syphilis in the next twenty days.
Christianity sucks pretty hard. It’s just some little silly scum faggots stupid cunts trying to excuse their behavior with some silly nonsense. WE WANT THEM ALL BE DEAD SO THEY DON’T FUCKING INTERFERE WITH THE PROGRESS OF SOCIETY. They are just fucking IN THE WAY of everything good. Kill the next one you meet and I’ll send you flowers and tea and vegan food. I WILL KILL ONE TOO for the sake of shit. Put this as your status on facebook if you want all christians to be dead otherwise you will catch syphilis in the next twenty days.

I work with a Christian Metal/Screamo band, and they get a lot of mixed reviews. What I would like to know, is what major fans of this genre of music think about them. They're not huge like Demon Hunter, The Devil Wears Prada etc... But they have played the Teen Tent for Rock The Desert in Midland/Odessa Texas. So, for all of you metal/screamo fans, what do you think of this?

christian metal is ok, but screamo is fucking gay and that song sucked