Christian Metal/Screamo?

New Metal Member
Sep 23, 2011
I work with a Christian Metal/Screamo band, and they get a lot of mixed reviews. What I would like to know, is what major fans of this genre of music think about them. They're not huge like Demon Hunter, The Devil Wears Prada etc... But they have played the Teen Tent for Rock The Desert in Midland/Odessa Texas. So, for all of you metal/screamo fans, what do you think of this?

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Psalm 9 was one of the heaviest albums its year of release (the heaviest could be argued, I think) and a seminal doom metal release, and you post a song of a third-rate death metal band pretending they're power metal. What the fuck.
I would say that while heavy music ABOUT Jesus does not really make any sense to me personally, metal BY Christians, or by a band who likes to make it known that they are Christians, makes perfect sense
I would say that while heavy music ABOUT Jesus does not really make any sense to me personally, metal BY Christians, or by a band who likes to make it known that they are Christians, makes perfect sense

This is basically what i was saying
I would say that while heavy music ABOUT Jesus does not really make any sense to me personally, metal BY Christians, or by a band who likes to make it known that they are Christians, makes perfect sense

How does it not make sense? He's supposed to come down and fight Satan at the end of all time. That can be described through some epic, heavy music. Revelation is ripe for a crazy-ass concept album. You could make a very dark album centered around Jesus' trial and execution and that would work too. In general I would say the old testesment is more condusive to metal since its full of wars, murder, weird miracles and other crazy shit, but on the whole I don't get this "there can't be Christian metal."
Also, I feel a lot of "christian" metal is made by jesusfags who dont really care about the music, but more about sending out their message of jebus to the heathenistic metal people.

I don't know about that. I think it's more of a people-will-buy-this-because-it-contains-Christian-lyrics thing. You can just look at YouTube and LastFM, and all the related videos/bands to one Christian band will be a dozen other Christian bands.