Christmas 2012: The Presenting


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
If anyone here is like me, Christmas shopping is a painful experience full of self-doubt and second-guessing. I have no idea what I'm going to get for anyone yet and the holidays are quickly approaching. I'd like to think there are others here with me on this.

For you guys who have a clue what are some gift ideas you have, and are willing to share, for friends and family?
This is very easy for me. I simply don't buy shit for anyone because I refuse to "celebrate" this bull shit and everyone knows it. Funny part is, I always get gifts. :lol:

Oh yeah, sorry. I was no help. :lol:
My family I get gifts, no way around it, but with friends I just tell them before hand: "Don't get me anything. You're not giving me a present, you're giving me an obligation to get you something. Let's just get drunk together instead."
Hate Christmas for the most part. I hate shopping for other people with a burning passion.

I always feel obligated to have to get stuff, especially for a girlfriend.

Whenever my parents ask me "What do you want for XMas this year?", I feel retarded. "Mom, I'm fucking 30 years old. Stop!!"

But, this year I figured, if they are going to spend $ on gay sweaters and stuff I'll never wear, may as well ask for something I'll use.

Equator D5's most likely on their way.
My family I get gifts, no way around it, but with friends I just tell them before hand: "Don't get me anything. You're not giving me a present, you're giving me an obligation to get you something. Let's just get drunk together instead."

+1. Family, girlfriend/wife, and maybe the band mates.
I get around the personal feeling of others by giving them gifts randomly because I actually want to and not because I'm supposed to. The people who love me get it, so I'm good.
I have no problem with this at all, being unemployed means nobody expects me to buy them anything at all, and my mum/dad give me a couple of quid to get the other something, which is just a book for mum and some toffiffee or various other chocolatey stuff for dad. or a bottle of port. Simple :D
I once jacked all my gifts from wal mart, those were my bad days. Now I'm I'm about to give the wife about 200$ in cash she likes custom clothing and buy my son a guitar or drum set.
in 2009 I accidentally forgot to buy my then girlfriend (now wife) a Christmas present, and only realised I should've when she gave me the DVD of Flight 666. Boy does she still remember that. I got her a Tool sweater she's been trying to get for ages, I hope she'll be happy, I'm getting a Kindle! (sure hope so)
in 2009 I accidentally forgot to buy my then girlfriend (now wife) a Christmas present, and only realised I should've when she gave me the DVD of Flight 666. Boy does she still remember that. I got her a Tool sweater she's been trying to get for ages, I hope she'll be happy, I'm getting a Kindle! (sure hope so)

Ya cheap bastard!! :lol:
Don't celebrate christmas.


Although whenever it's on a friday or saturday we do some partying.
I just got my girlfriend's gift, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be so good she'll start offering me threesomes as a show of appreciation.

Now all I have to do is figure out something to get my parents, brother, and sister.
need to get something for my parents, grandma and my brother...I acutally like to buy presents, but
only if I already know what to get, like having a super awesome idea, but this year...
My gf feels the same and we said, that we just going to ask each other, I need a new chair for my
office and my gf has something on her mind, so I said, as long as it's under 100 bucks it's fine.
My brother always gets some dvd or cd, we're not very close and this works out well.
For my dad, my mom and my grandma it's really, really hard, my grandma loved to read but her eyes
got worse, I am probably cooking a 3 way menue for her and get her an audio book.
My mom has birthday on the 23th of december, so she needs 2 presents at least, most of the time it's
a book and some deco stuff and my dad loves history so I get him books most of the time, a guided
tour through a city he likes or something like that.
i'm planning to buy everything online, but it seems i'm running late with that plan soon. thanks for reminding me.

there's nothing i hate more than christmas shopping in some crowded mall. there's an inexplicable sense of hate that i begin feeling towards every other person in that situation.