Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee

it's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether.
all: it's an entirely different kind of flying.
sorry son, no dogs on the plane. i'm afraid scraps will have to be shot!
just joking! blanks, see, scraps is fiiiiine!
dudes i could seriously go all day. i watched airplane I and II EVERY FUCKING WEEKEND for 5 years straight when i was much younger.
awesome thread!
first: both of these dudes would get knocked out instantly by dan severn, tito ortiz, chuck liddel, etc.

second: did anyone notice a "walker: texas ranger" movie was on the other night? i actually caught my wife watching it.

third: a million years ago i saw a chuck movie where he battles a cyborg or android or something. anyway, i just remember at the end, he kicks the fucker into a well. what movie is it?
dorian gray said:
awesome thread!
first: both of these dudes would get knocked out instantly by dan severn, tito ortiz, chuck liddel, etc.

second: did anyone notice a "walker: texas ranger" movie was on the other night? i actually caught my wife watching it.

third: a million years ago i saw a chuck movie where he battles a cyborg or android or something. anyway, i just remember at the end, he kicks the fucker into a well. what movie is it?

I mentioned Tito Ortiz earlier. Chuck Liddel would pose a chance as well. However, Dan Severn is old and worn out now. Although if we are speaking of these people in their primes, who knows. Although, Severn has a quality about him that pisses me off. I think its the facial hair.
once I was NAD said:
this is funny, but seriously, it's true. it's an impossible bet to regulate, but i can just about guarantee that bruce lee was the toughest man that has ever lived. i forget which movie it is, but he's doing some exercise routines in front of the camera and the dude literally had complete mastery over every muscle in his body.

that dude that got killed by the horsedick wouldn't know what hit him if bruce lee ass fucked him am i rite.

That's the famous scene at the end of Enter the Dragon. I think.

Bruce Lee would eat Tito Ortiz for an appetizer, lol
Bruce Lee > Dan Severn.... DUH Dan Severn is an old dude with a homo-stache a-la Village People style

Bruce Lee > any UFC fighter... again DUH!

Bruce Lee > Chuck Norris

Bruce Lee > Jesus, Allah, & the dark lord put together

Bruce Lee > metal

that's right, I said it.