Church tomorrow night...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay, in my family, it's like this tradition where we go to my mom's old Lutheran church in Lansdowne, where she grew up, for Christmas Eve Mass and then, after the service, we go to her Godmother's house before going home. So... guess where Darkspot's going to be tomorrow night! *crawls into corner and whimpers* help mee... help meeeee...

The services for the past 2 years have been really fucking weird, though.

2 years ago, the reverend dude had some serious anger problems.

"Some people think Christmas is about good food... CHRISTMAS IS NOT ABOUT GOOD FOOD! Some people say that Christmas is about presents... CHRISTMAS IS NOT ABOUT PRESENTS! Some people say that Christmas is about children... CHIRSTMAS IS NOT ABOUT CHILDREN! CHRISTMAS IS NOT ABOUT GOOD FOOD OR PRESENTS OR CHILDREN! CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT THE BIRTH OF JESUS!" That guy seriously scared me, but no one else seemed to be bothered by him

Last year, I spent the first 10 or so minutes of the service in the church basement because I "got lost while looking for the bathroom." But I don't think I missed much, because when I got back into the... uhh... main church-room-place thing... there was this woman reading the fable of why donkies have long ears, and then that led into the donkey's role in getting Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus... and then she went off telling us this story about how her grandmother had this uncanny ability to guess what a present was by shaking the box. So, one year, she and her brother put their present to her in a small box, then put that box in a bigger box with rocks and bricks (?!?!) and let their grandmother guess that it was...

I forget how exactly that story truned out, but it led into her sermon about how "Mary wrapped her firstborn son in swadling cloth"... and something about "unwrapping the gift of the baby Jesus..."

So, I can only guess what bullshit I'm going to have to endure tomorrow night... but I'll be able to fill my ears with the sounds of Immolation and Slayer and Vader on the ride home, thanks to finally getting new headphones for my CD player, so... all will be well.
NicodemiX said:
hehehe.... I knew this a long time ago because of Dnd's sig, which she had to change because she was getting offers from Steve and I :p :lol:

hahaha yeah I remember that :lol: :lol:

yeah, that's good times - hey go check out my movie matt, it's about sexual favors! :D

You have my every sympathy. I was forced to go to church everyweek by my folks while growing up. ("As long as you are under my roof....) I let my Mom guilt trip me into going to Easter and Xmas masses as well for family purposes up until I was 25 yrs old. I finally told her I did not believe what she believe and felt like a hypocrit going to church. That finally worked on her. Now I just meet them at her place after church. Whew!

Hang in there. When you are moved out you can tell them you are not going.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
Okay, in my family, it's like this tradition where we go to my mom's old Lutheran church in Lansdowne, where she grew up, for Christmas Eve Mass and then, after the service, we go to her Godmother's house before going home. So... guess where Darkspot's going to be tomorrow night! *crawls into corner and whimpers* help mee... help meeeee...

The services for the past 2 years have been really fucking weird, though.

2 years ago, the reverend dude had some serious anger problems.



Angry Pastors Nooch! I'll bring beers.
Otherwise,'s off to Midnight Mass.

Reverand Joint Smoker said:

Don't forget this one......

Regression! Progressive downfall
Grabbing what's there and still wanting it all

On words they fall

Obsession! Religious belief
Worshipped on Sunday, forgotten all week

One foot in Hell

Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Feeling they're touched by the Lord
Loving their neighbor, yet tasting the flavor of sin
But seeing no wrong
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Walking the crooked, straight line
Closing of minds to these innocent crimes
Now they're deaf, dumb, and blind!

One foot in Hell

Wretches! This pitiful man
Preaching and teaching with cross in hand

On words he falls

Into...! His final mistake
This fool was fooled, it was all give and take

One foot in Hell

Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Turning the pages of writing, it falls into place
A puzzle of words
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Attempting to fear the Commandments they hear
Now they're deaf, dumb, and blind!

[1st Lead: Craig]

[2nd Lead: Tim]

[3rd Lead: Craig]

[4th Lead: Tim]

"I look to the Heavens and call the Lord's name.
Praying on my knees, with much faith, and little doubt
I have a yearning for the answers to my calling in life
Am I wasting away on spirits of myth?
Am I questioning the Lord's prayer?
Is this unholy temptation or, my final realization?
Please, God, if you're there for me, give the wisdom for faith
Help me Lord!
God help me" - !

Regression! Progressive downfall
Grabbing what's there and still wanting it all

On words they fall

Obsession! Religious belief
Worshipped on Sunday, forgotten all week

One foot in Hell

Taking the truth from "The Book" and then twisting it
Feeling they're touched by the Lord
Loving their neighbor, yet tasting the flavor of sin
But seeing no wrong
Cramming the wisdom that righteously flows in them
Walking the crooked, straight line
Closing of minds to these innocent crimes

Show me the way - Point to the light
Is there a Heaven after I die?
What is a truth - Where does it lie
Give me the answer
Bare my soul - Naked and cold
End confusion, shed my last tear
Take me Lord - Open your Gates
End my deep sorrow

One foot in Hell
Who's answering the bell?
Ughh man that sucks.

Church is so pointless. Even if you believe there is a God its pointless. None of that shit means anything to me. I went to a catholic highschool for 4 years and we had mass every friday. Even though my family didn't go to church on sundays I still had to deal with that crap every friday for 4 years. People acctually got into and sang along to the crappy songs and the repeated after the preacher. Church is such a waste of time. If anything try to sneak some headphones or some shit like that in there. Or eat alot of food and take some colon blow and have a nice long session on the crapper.

Ill be glad in the future where you can stick a dvd player up your ass and watch it through your eyelids. That will be mankinds true cure for church.
Organized religion is so hypocritical its sickening. The Mass is filled with poorly defined semantics. With that said, I truly believe that possessing a healthy realization of an omnipotent being (oppressive organized religion aside) keeps man in check since he is an innately wicked creature. Without any religious foundation or fear, the governments of the world would have already advocated the mass utilization of genetic human cloning which is freaking crazy IMHO. I think that people without any type of spiritual conscience, are extremely dangerous. There are some stones that need to be left untouched in terms of human progress.

"Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants."
- William Penn
I guess a whole lot of it has to do with how old you are and your parents/family thinking you're trying to rebel against whatever it is they think you should be doing. I'm twenty fucking one and I get bullshit every day from my mother about my religious/spiritual choices. Sorry I found something that makes me happy, mom. We got into a fight last night because we're having a family thing tonight and I don't think I have to go. She started yelling at me about my "obligations" and "sometimes in life I have to do things I don't want to do but you have to do them" oh and "its just the right thing to do". My family consists of a shitload of people that are emotionally abusive (to me and my mother especially), a child molester, and various other assholes. I'm sorry I don't think I have an OBLIGATION to these people. They are my family yes but that does not hold them to me for life, if they treat me like shit - fuck them. I am ONLY going to see my cousins two little kids (the younger one who's two I raised from 3 days old til he was 9 months). I'll be cordial to the assholes for the kids sake but other than that, I could care less about all of them. This is the first Christmas in 4 years I'll be attending family shit, I was in Australia alone in 2000 and the other years I've been at work. So go me! EGGNOGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!