Circle II Circle/Circus Maximus/Manticora tour news (changes announced)

Feb 29th - Atlanta, GA
Mar 1st - Springfield, VA
Mar 2nd - OFF
Mar 3rd - potential PA or NYC date
Mar 4th - potential NYC or New England date
Mar 5th - OFF
Mar 6th - Quebec City, Quebec
Mar 7th - Toronto, Ontario
Mar 8th - Detroit, MI
Mar 9th - OFF
Mar 10th - potential Chicago date
Mar 11th - St Paul, MN
Mar 12th - potential Kansas City date
Mar 14th - Houston, TX - final show

all dates are confirmed unless stated as potential date.

I'd LOVE a NEW ENGLAND date... like worcester perhaps on the main friggin stage, then i'd hit 2 shows.... that'd rock!!!
Oooh, that's during my "spring" break, so I can stay out as late as I need to!

I'm going to go with my wife to church this weekend and pray that the word potential gets removed. Hard. Of course, God will say, "Who the hell are you?", but it can't hurt!


I will definetly be at the Houston show heehehehehehe as I am the promoter. And to all, we will put on a show you won't believe. More details to follow as soon as Hoyt gets everything done.
I'd LOVE a NEW ENGLAND date... like worcester perhaps on the main friggin stage, then i'd hit 2 shows.... that'd rock!!!

A New England date would be wicked cool, but I think I'd prefer Lupo's in Providence - MUCH better sound than The Pallladium. Though, Worcester is obviously the more likely of the two when you look at the upcoming events for both venues..
Sadly that means they can smoke. The reason I haven't been to many Pathfinder Promotions.

I'm tempted to start punching people in the face who smoke at shows. That should be metal enough to not only stop smoking but keep people around right? Yeah skinny lil me. lul.

Geez, Cheiron... are you allergic to smoke or something??? :Smokin: Maybe that's why you always run from me!! :) Just kidding....
Why do I get the feeling that an off day after the Jaxx show may not be so good for my liver? :lol:

If I had a Deputy Dawg, my liver would be right there with yours... I'd be talkin' to the Captain that night...

... there's plenty of time.. I may have to kidnap my brother for the night so I can drink.. I never get to get blitzed at a Jaxx show... Be a great show to start!@!!! :kickass:
Believe it or not, there's a small 20-something Manticora fanbase down here in Albany. I'll be making sure they all go up to the Atlanta show in Feb.

I'm psyched about Circus Maximus headlining.

Am I the only person also excited about Halcyon Way and A Lower Deep being on this show?

When Hoyt has a flyer made for it, I'll definitely whore it all over Myspace.

I'd love to see Wuthering Heights or Raintime on this tour :)
Sadly that means they can smoke. The reason I haven't been to many Pathfinder Promotions.

I'm tempted to start punching people in the face who smoke at shows. That should be metal enough to not only stop smoking but keep people around right? Yeah skinny lil me. lul.

I don't even know where to begin with this one.Yeah, there is smoking at Pathfinder shows. HELLO-there is smoking at almost EVERY show.Outside, inside, at the bar, in the hall. 18 and over shows almost always have smoking. I respect any establishment the prohibits it, but I'll be damned if it determines if do or do not I go to a show.sheesh.
That's one thing I love about NY, no smoking allowed :)
Ditto, though I like to have a cigarette at times when drinking, it's best outdoors. A cloudy venue of smoke sucks, but explain to me why smoking weed is overlooked at so many venues in NYC? Granted, there's going to be a lot less pot smoke than cigarettes, but it is technically illigegal, so why am I stuck with a secondary high I didn't want but have to go outside for the occasional nicotine buzz? Interesting double standard in NYC.

On topic: been waiting not so patiently for an NYC date announcement. I'll be sure to bring at least a dozen people, just give us the date and venue!
I was supposed to hear something last night from the band we asked. If I haven't been contacted in 48 hrs, then we move on to another option. So I doubt we announce anything soon regardless.

Thanks for the update, I guess i need to quite being so impatient. I know you will find a suitable replacement, and that is why it is taking so long. If you need any help. well you know.