Circus Maximus vocalist. Are you kiddin' me!

Mike kicked ass, period. He was without a doubt one of the best vocalists of the year, and whoever thinks his voice is that whiny, should get the ears checked.. lol!
A few more albums and this band can definitely be on top of the heap. The only complaints I've heard about their album is that the influences are too obvious. Well, it's the debut, that's usually the case. I think the next album is going to be unbelievable.

As for the live performance, everything I wanted and more. Love his look, too, a bit unconventional.
I have to agree with many here's opinion. The vocalist wasabsolutely effortless in his strong delivery. Along with DC Cooper and Queensryche girl, Jen, I thnk he was the best vocalist of the show (though I did miss Urban's Wednesday performance, so I don't know how that went.)
As far as their poor interaction with the audience and overall lack of stage presence, I agree as well, but let's also remember this band isn't full of veteran performers. They will get better with time. In a few years, they could be a totally different band live.

Bryant said:
As far as their poor interaction with the audience and overall lack of stage presence, I agree as well, but let's also remember this band isn't full of veteran performers. They will get better with time. In a few years, they could be a totally different band live. Bryant

just what was so poor about it??? maybe that is just how they are, composed and professional. in a few years i hope they are exactly the same band. i look at a band like manticora, whose stage antics were basically a comedy routine to me, although still good, just completely different. i felt as though CM interacted just fine with me...perhaps some just need to be visually stunned by music, rather than just listening sometimes...
I didn't really like them, but I didn't think they had poor audience interaction at all. All nine of the bands I watched did great.

If by audience interaction you mean talking in between songs, that was just them trying to get more songs done in a short amount of time. Besides me not liking the music, they put on a very energetic and professional performance, and I don't think the audience liked them any less because they didn't have breaks in between the songs.
Ahamkara said:
So...what was their setlist? I doubt they had enough time to play the entire title track on The First Chapter.

Nope, I was right in my guessing. :D

They did everything but the title track and Biosfear.
I think they played great, I do think the audience interaction was a little low, it has nothing to do with acting crazy just to get the fans going a little more than they would already. I think Stride did a batter job in that dept., but both bands were awesome!!!
i was also really into CM adding a few twists here and there with a couple tunes, little pauses and whatnots. sometimes when songs get to technical, the live feel is what ends up suffering. CM made damn sure that didnt happen.
Lobotomya will be banned from all forums on Ultimate Metal for offering bootleg material (on my own damn forum!!) once Deron wakes up in a few hours. If you know this person, he is one of the reasons I am banning digital cameras. Feel free to say hello.

Glenn H.
rockyracoon said:
just what was so poor about it??? maybe that is just how they are, composed and professional. in a few years i hope they are exactly the same band. i look at a band like manticora, whose stage antics were basically a comedy routine to me, although still good, just completely different. i felt as though CM interacted just fine with me...perhaps some just need to be visually stunned by music, rather than just listening sometimes...

I'm neither here to argue nor am I here to down CM. I was very pleased with their performance musically, but I simply thought they were a little stiff. I don't think you have to swing from a rope in a loin cloth like Ted Nugent to be entertaining. In fact, I don't think "antics" fit their style in the least. I just think they will be more loose and enjoy themselves on stage a little better next time around. A US debut is a little tough for some bands.

I think it comes down to styles. For instance, had Symphorce's physical performance been what Circus Maximus' was, I probably would have been bored by Symphorce. However, with CM, there's enough going on within the music and through the stellar delivery of that music, that I was more than entertained by their performance.

Unbelievable performance IMO.

I could give 2 shits about the stage presence. The vocals were dead on to the CD, and holy fuck how about them HARMONIES. Looks to me as if they rather focus on the music, than the stage antics. Sure both is great, but I could care less. I was so floored by how TIGHT they sounded, and how well they pulled those songs off live, I was totally into the music.

On the other hand, I thought the bassist for Conception was a goofball with his over the top parading onstage. Nothing wrong with that though, as long as he was having fun, more power to him.
arnavut said:
I must say that I enyoyed their album but it was not one of the bands that I was really looking forward to see (unlike Therion).

Those are the best situations to be in sometimes because out of the blue you are shocked and amazed. The suprise element makes you enjoy even more.

Anyway when they started their set before vocalist came out, they looked like any other good prog band. Their look, their presence, music nothing out of ordinary.

Then this "Frat Boy" looking dude comes in with a mic in his hand. I first thought maybe this fratboy on his way to "midtown club" went in to wrong place.

Then he starts singing and I am like

Are you kiddin' me!
He can pull off the tough vocal arrangements on the album with such an ease like its a britney song. More powerful than album, and control over his voice live than I rarely seen. Singers with 10's of album and 100's of large venue performance experience like Khan, Tate, Labrie NEVER sounded as good and as controlled as Circus Maximus singer Michael Eriksen.

WOW. I am still shocked and amazed!
You obviously don't know anyone who's in a fraternity..

He definitely did look different than most performers, but that's not quite how I would describe him.

And I agree. Circus Maximus was awesome.