Cross posted from "Powerfest overal review" thread...just want to make sure certain people here know:
OK...some clarification is definitely needed here...
First, let me explain why I went off...regarding Velheru. There have recently been suspensions issued to a couple of the negative/know-it-all/one-up posters who have frequented this board. This was done because it just became too excessive!! We're trying to gain interest for the fest, not give new people (lurkers) an impression that it sucks in any way if they're on the fence about attending. Sorry, but this is completely business & marketing based...and although it would be nice for it not to be, it's quite necessary if we hope to keep building the fest to be bigger & better.
For example...if I were, say, an average or new metal fan (a kid, realistically) who just found out about the Powerfest & wanted to see how it did this year to see if it might be something I'd want to go to next year just to check out some cool metal bands...and I read all these negative criticisms on the forum ACTUALLY HOSTED by the promoters who organize the event, my impression might be that it's not worth my time & money.
So...knowing that at least one of these suspended individuals is devious enough to try to sneak back in under a new alias & the fact that Velheru's FIRST post was negative-jibed just like the majority of that person's posts, I reacted as if it were him, unfortunately (no way to prove it wasn't him). Pissed as hell? Yes. Overreacted? Yes. Justified? I think so.
I mean, why else would someone's first post be a negative one. Certainly not a good way to introduce yourself...not to us anyway. And certainly not a good idea on ANY other forum without expecting to get some backlash. Sure, maybe not as harsh as what I gave, but backlash nonetheless. Again, going back to my go-to analogy wouldn't go to a new aquaintance's (or friend-of-a-friend's) party/house & start pointing out all the negatives of the party or the accommodations without risking to be thown out on your ass by the host, right?
Velheru, if you are indeed new to this forum, I sincerely apologize for "going off" on you as harshly as I did...although, the message behind what I was saying still holds true in principle.
Now this leads me to my second point for clarification...we are most certainly open to criticism!! HOWEVER! Respect is EARNED!! Not blindly given!! So, for those of you who we know & respect both on this forum & outside because of your continued support of us, the fest & also the scene...and who we've also become friends with over the Rob K, Rachel, John B, Annie/Rick, Laura, Dan, Jose, Amber, Rich, Will, booB, Jodi, Vman...just off the top of my head, but many others...we respect your opinion & your suggestions because you have proven to us that your intentions for improving the fest & the scene are truly altruistic & not for personal glory by way of publically announcing your "better" ideas or the opportunity to brag that you know more (or whatever the self-glorifying reason) like some others around here.
And it's also very interesting that those of you who truly care about us & the fest have a much better tact of how to get your point across when making a criticism, which definitely helps you to get heard & your suggestions taken to heart. The cunt method on the other, not so much.
So I hope this helps clarify a bit where all this anger & aggrivation came from on our part.
And for the record...regarding the Snappy Weiner crew (Rich, Tony, Amber, etc) guys really need to go re-read my post.
I completely made all those criticisms up (which is why I said I found no fault with them...obviously I was unclear, sorry) only to prove my point & make some parallel comparisons so you would know where I was coming from with my rant.
I did NOT mean any of them about your party, but quite the opposite...everything about your party rocked & I had a great time without ANY complaints!!
Although, I'm not a picky bitch like some.
It's all about having a good time, not about trying to nit-pick what could make it better.
I really hope you guys didn't think that any of my previous rant was directed at you.
I apologize if it came out that way.
OK...some clarification is definitely needed here...
First, let me explain why I went off...regarding Velheru. There have recently been suspensions issued to a couple of the negative/know-it-all/one-up posters who have frequented this board. This was done because it just became too excessive!! We're trying to gain interest for the fest, not give new people (lurkers) an impression that it sucks in any way if they're on the fence about attending. Sorry, but this is completely business & marketing based...and although it would be nice for it not to be, it's quite necessary if we hope to keep building the fest to be bigger & better.
For example...if I were, say, an average or new metal fan (a kid, realistically) who just found out about the Powerfest & wanted to see how it did this year to see if it might be something I'd want to go to next year just to check out some cool metal bands...and I read all these negative criticisms on the forum ACTUALLY HOSTED by the promoters who organize the event, my impression might be that it's not worth my time & money.
So...knowing that at least one of these suspended individuals is devious enough to try to sneak back in under a new alias & the fact that Velheru's FIRST post was negative-jibed just like the majority of that person's posts, I reacted as if it were him, unfortunately (no way to prove it wasn't him). Pissed as hell? Yes. Overreacted? Yes. Justified? I think so.

Velheru, if you are indeed new to this forum, I sincerely apologize for "going off" on you as harshly as I did...although, the message behind what I was saying still holds true in principle.
Now this leads me to my second point for clarification...we are most certainly open to criticism!! HOWEVER! Respect is EARNED!! Not blindly given!! So, for those of you who we know & respect both on this forum & outside because of your continued support of us, the fest & also the scene...and who we've also become friends with over the Rob K, Rachel, John B, Annie/Rick, Laura, Dan, Jose, Amber, Rich, Will, booB, Jodi, Vman...just off the top of my head, but many others...we respect your opinion & your suggestions because you have proven to us that your intentions for improving the fest & the scene are truly altruistic & not for personal glory by way of publically announcing your "better" ideas or the opportunity to brag that you know more (or whatever the self-glorifying reason) like some others around here.

And it's also very interesting that those of you who truly care about us & the fest have a much better tact of how to get your point across when making a criticism, which definitely helps you to get heard & your suggestions taken to heart. The cunt method on the other, not so much.

So I hope this helps clarify a bit where all this anger & aggrivation came from on our part.
And for the record...regarding the Snappy Weiner crew (Rich, Tony, Amber, etc) guys really need to go re-read my post.

I really hope you guys didn't think that any of my previous rant was directed at you.