CoB Hub


Midnight walker
Aug 20, 2006
Rancagua, Chile
hey this idea just came up to me.. i think that we could create a Children of Bodom Hub for DC++ so that we can share our CoB stuff ! i think its a great idea!!!!!!:kickass: :kickass:
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There used to be a hub, but it's been offline for a couple of months already so I guess a new one would be a good idea :headbang:
hey this idea just came up to me.. i think that we could create a Children of Bodom Hub for DC++ so that we can share our CoB stuff ! i think its a great idea!!!!!!:kickass: :kickass:

you just want warheart's stuff.:lol:
There's not much live stuff I don't have. I'd be interested in live Sinergy though. I think there's a user called Unhallowed who has tonnes of rare stuff that I can garantee most of you people don't have either but he won't share it for free. I still want to see the AL Beginners YG 2006 but everyone is too tight-fisted to upload it.
There's not much live stuff I don't have. I'd be interested in live Sinergy though. I think there's a user called Unhallowed who has tonnes of rare stuff that I can garantee most of you people don't have either but he won't share it for free. I still want to see the AL Beginners YG 2006 but everyone is too tight-fisted to upload it.

Why not?? What a fucking tool... Whomever has rare vids and wants to keep them for themselves is a cunt pure and simple. Seriously... I mean I don't give a shit personally cause I go see the band live as opposed to watching live vids, but for people who can't, that's all they have. Depriving them of that is the most dickbrained thing I can think of.

I'd fucking seriously punch someone in the head for that kinda selfishness, just to teach them a lesson in life in general, cuz if he's stingey like that with a video, he's prolly an all around grade A cunt in real life to people too, and needs to fucking grow up... fuckbag.. ugh :lol::mad:

Give me something in return then I'll give it to you.. what a douche.. :mad:
Maybe they feel like it gives them some sort of god-like status or something. :confused:

I used to be like that when I first started collecting them but now I don't give two shits. A video is a video, what fucking difference does it make if another CoB fan has seen it, right.

I might think about setting up a thread where everyone can share their non-copywritten stuff since alot of people might not want to both with DC++ or what not. But then again, I might be too lazy. :)
I'd really like to see the videos of Milwaukee from the LEFT that you have.

I have these video from the LEFT side (left side if you're in the crowd):
bed of razors (easy to get)
deadnight warrior
silent night, bodom night
touch like an angel of death
towards dead end

and then I have the other not-so-rare video from the right side which is one big file and has full concert.

Bad news is that I have 20 kb/s upload speed. I'll upload them over the night ;).

BTW, I got those from that cob FTP that no longer exists.

EDIT: Oh yeah, these videos from the left side are really good, camera zooms in on guitar everytime Alexi plays a lead :). Too bad I'm missing lake bodom song and some other too I think :(.