Cob In School?


Again, Tarkan rules.
Ahaha, yeah I remember when I was in Turkey they played Tarkan over and ooover and oooover again.. that kissing song (or whatever) especially :)

Hmm, Actually I like school when things are moving in a fast speed and I got lots to do, I work best under pressure ;)
MagSec4 said:
You don't know what work-up-the-ass is until you've had these violently shoved:

Separation Processes
Chemical Reactor Design
Chemical Engineering Practice
Chemical Engineering Laboratory
Polymer Science and Technology
Energy Resources and Acquisition

Last semester it was:
Quantum Chemistry
Heat and Mass Transfer
Fluid Dynamics

....hence the sig
As for me:

Solid state physics
Interaction between light & matter in crystals and plasmas
Optics in anisotropic crystals; Pockels effect
Nonlinear optics (second-harmonic generation, Kerr effect, parametric optical amplification)
Soliton propagation in optical fibers
Acoustic- and electro- optic devices
And my post-graduate project: chaos induced by photorefractive solitons