CoB new album...

Maybe. has the server changed or smt?

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With the authority of being a DT-forum regular for the longest time (yes, long since before UM or EzBoard), I ask you, Samarkol, to stop right there. Please.

Since it's early days, the DT-forum has always been a place for people to discuss the things they want to, regardless of other people's opinions about the subject. However, purposely angering people has never been tolerated - your constant attempts to "open up" our very closed community with new viewpoints (and threads) can soon be seen as nothing else than fomenting anger.

We are a closed group of uptight elitists, there's no way denying it. But that won't be changed by your methods. The people you are fighting with are all well-known regulars here, and I must admit that's enough of a reason for me to defend them against threats from "outside". Many others here feel the same. If it is a choice between you and Phyre (or Ormir, or someone else), you are the one to lose here - whether or not you were right or wrong to begin with.

I hope you understand that.

Originally posted by Samarkol

Shut up, I created no useless thread. I created a thread suggesting an interesting kind of music that some people might have liked. However you created a thread called "I am Thanatos <--- If this is you, post here", and this one is PURE SPAM. Fucker.

I'm sorry, but Children of Bodom is much more closer to Dark Tranquillity than Thales new songs, than thought about exams, than the choice between two Death albums or anything. And you only whine about this one, so get a life.

Here you are very wrong, and I'll try to point out why.

1. The "I am Thanatos" -thread served a purpose of amusing us. I and many others considered it very funny. A good thread for that, I'd say.

2. Hearse is a regular here, and the majority of us regulars are very interested in the doings of Thales. A very interesting thread for the people here.

3. The "exams" -thread appears to have drawn pretty much attention from many people (although not from me) and there's much discussion going on - an excellent thread, I'd say.

4. The Death albums -thread was irrelevant and not very interesting for the majority here. A rather useless, but still tolerable thread.

5. This thread has caused another needless flamewar and many insults. The importance of the information in this thread (most useless for the majority of the people here; you really have overestimated the interest towards CoB here - I'd daresay less than 10% of the regulars here like CoB) is far outweighed by the amount of anger this thread has generated. Thus, a bad thread.

Now, making a bad thread once or twice doesn't make anyone a bad person. However, if one constantly tries to fight against the windmills by making threads people don't like, it can be seen as general ignorance towards the people's opinions.

I won't draw the conclusions any longer, but I hope you find suitable ones by yourself.

Originally posted by Ormir

It only figures American idiots who contribute nothing to this forum and constantly make useless, idiotic spam threads would band together. WE ARE NOT FOR YOU!

Ormir, is this directed at me?

See how nice I'm being? I ask questions before jumping the gun and flaming. It can be done, you know.
Villain, allow me to take a few things out of context here...

Originally posted by Villain
We are a closed group of uptight elitists, there's no way denying it.

At least someone here has the stones to admit it.

5. This thread has caused another needless flamewar and many insults. The importance of the information in this thread (most useless for the majority of the people here; you really have overestimated the interest towards CoB here - I'd daresay less than 10% of the regulars here like CoB) is far outweighed by the amount of anger this thread has generated. Thus, a bad thread.

To be perfectly honest - and I don't give a hoot about any particular members any moreso than any other members - it wasn't the thread itself that caused the flamewar. The flamewar was caused by the exact same fucking thing all flamewars are caused by: intolerant, uptight, immature people. Period.

Sorry if my words are coming across the wrong way, but I speak the truth and didn't know any other way to phrase this. I'm sure some of the very same intolerant, uptight, immature people will have something to say about *this* - but do yourselves a favor, save it. For, I don't know, the real world or something. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by markgugs

To be perfectly honest - and I don't give a hoot about any particular members any moreso than any other members - it wasn't the thread itself that caused the flamewar. The flamewar was caused by the exact same fucking thing all flamewars are caused by: intolerant, uptight, immature people. Period.

I wouldn't for sure use those exact words, but on general level I agree with you. However, the vast majority of the people here can cope without much effort with those you obviously are referring to. Every group needs people of different kinds. Yet, the ones who fail to cope with the group should be left outside. If Samarkol, as a newcoming forum-member, continues to irritate people on purpose, he should be driven away - even if those he angered were as much guilty.

Anyway, I do hope that everyone calms down and we can through time learn to respect each others. As a positive example, I'll give you Misanthrope - although his behaviour is (and was) far beyond horrible at times, the most of us don't have any difficulties with him anymore, since we are pretty much got used to him nowadays. I'd say many of the us even respect him. I hope Samarkol will find his place here and will earn our respect - until then, however, I wish he would be a bit more considerate. The moment I saw this thread (before many replies), I thought: "what a flame-bait" and would have deleted it if I were Rahvin, in order to avoid all this. I was sad to notice I had been right.

Originally posted by markgugs
it wasn't the thread itself that caused the flamewar. The flamewar was caused by the exact same fucking thing all flamewars are caused by: intolerant, uptight, immature people. Period.

I feel like I have to say something to this, would there have been a flamewar if this thread had no been created? I don't think so, soooo, to me it looks like it was the thread that caused the flamewar.

And parden me, but who is the uptight person saying 'I speak the truth', like he was an all knowing god or something?

Shut the fuck up and go back to the IF board where you and your kind belong.

And no, I am not even going to try and make this look nice.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

I feel like I have to say something to this, would there have been a flamewar if this thread had no been created? I don't think so, soooo, to me it looks like it was the thread that caused the flamewar.

And parden me, but who is the uptight person saying 'I speak the truth', like he was an all knowing god or something?

Shut the fuck up and go back to the IF board where you and your kind belong.

And no, I am not even going to try and make this look nice.

What's funny here, Salamurhaaja, is that I didn't have a problem with you, and thought you might be one of the people who'd agree. Guess I was wrong.

And my friend, I'm far from uptight. You see, I have an *actual life* outside this forum (or any forum for that matter). There is no "me and my kind" because I'm pretty much an individual. I'm 29 (closer to 30), and have already forgotten more about the REAL WORLD than you've ever learned. It's too bad you decided to take this route before even giving me the benefit of the doubt. Oh well, you have to live with yourself, not me thankfully.

So no, I won't be leaving. You have the option of either a) ignoring me, or b) getting along with me and being involved in meaningful (and some not-so-meaningful) conversations. Otherwise, it is YOU who should SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I make no apologies. It WILL happen again.
Originally posted by phyre
Let's just all be friends?

I agree with Villain; it seems rather provocative of Samarkol to create a thread like this right after another thread of a similar nature he posted had turned into a total flamewar. The way he behaves now he seems more like a simple troll than anything else.

I can understand that phyre. And I'm more than willing to accept that I don't fully "understand how things work 'round these parts." Not that I'll make TOO much of an effort to change my ways, but I can see how some things are easily avoided.

Now, that wasn't hard, right Salamawhatever? See, phyre was calm, reasonable and logical. He gets the same in return, and a cookie to boot!