CoB new album...

Interesting. And true. Before giving my point of view, I just wanna point out to Salmawhathever and to Phyre that the whole "I bring the truth, I am god" and whatever are used for sarcasm, because I think many people here act like that. I do not overestimate me.

Now to the serious things:



<i>Since it's early days, the DT-forum has always been a place for people to discuss the things they want to, regardless of other people's opinions about the subject. However, purposely angering people has never been tolerated - your constant attempts to "open up" our very closed community with new viewpoints (and threads) can soon be seen as nothing else than fomenting anger. "</i>

- I am really astonished by this. I mean, it might be very true, but since I am a relatively new member (since january), I never saw that "closed community" thing. My acts, done in this small circle must have brought anger and frustration. I have nothing to say to defend myself... except maybe that I have never though it was that closed... and also maybe the fact that I never lived in any closed community because of my nature, so I am not used to behave this particular way. I always feel confortable in a place even if I'm totally new. I also try to make people feel that confortable when they are new.

<i>"We are a closed group of uptight elitists, there's no way denying it. But that won't be changed by your methods. The people you are fighting with are all well-known regulars here, and I must admit that's enough of a reason for me to defend them against threats from "outside". Many others here feel the same. If it is a choice between you and Phyre (or Ormir, or someone else), you are the one to lose here - whether or not you were right or wrong to begin with. "

I hope you understand that. </i>

- Well I guess it's the rule. Friends defend friends, whether they are right or not. I completly understand this way of thinking, but I do not agree with it. But at least I can understand why all this shit happened. I slowly think that the metal community is growing as the rap community is. With pride, reputation and loyalty as the only value. Justice is overcome by friendship.

<i>"Here you are very wrong, and I'll try to point out why.

1. The "I am Thanatos" -thread served a purpose of amusing us. I and many others considered it very funny. A good thread for that, I'd say.

2. Hearse is a regular here, and the majority of us regulars are very interested in the doings of Thales. A very interesting thread for the people here.

3. The "exams" -thread appears to have drawn pretty much attention from many people (although not from me) and there's much discussion going on - an excellent thread, I'd say.

4. The Death albums -thread was irrelevant and not very interesting for the majority here. A rather useless, but still tolerable thread.

5. This thread has caused another needless flamewar and many insults. The importance of the information in this thread (most useless for the majority of the people here; you really have overestimated the interest towards CoB here - I'd daresay less than 10% of the regulars here like CoB) is far outweighed by the amount of anger this thread has generated. Thus, a bad thread.</i>

I do not agree. The thread itself did not caused any flamewar. It is the arrogant answers that began it. Don't you think that if Phyre, Salmawhathever and Ormir would have responsed to the death thread telling it was spam (as they did for mine), and that the original creater would have popped out, pissed off, saying that it is not, do you think that wouldnt have created a flame war? Yes it would. Why did it happen on my thread? There is two reason I think. The first one is that it is not my first thread of that kind, so they could have been pissed a bit more by mine. The other reason is that they just do not like me. I had many arguments with Phyre on the In Flames board, so that could be a kind of revenge.

10% of the regular might like CoB, but just look at the thread where people tell their dream stage set. CoB is listed half the time.

That forum does not belong to the regular more than to the newcomer, it belongs to the band and to their fan, whether they post ten times a day or once a week.

<i>Now, making a bad thread once or twice doesn't make anyone a bad person. However, if one constantly tries to fight against the windmills by making threads people don't like, it can be seen as general ignorance towards the people's opinions.

I won't draw the conclusions any longer, but I hope you find suitable ones by yourself.


I hope, because I am not a bad person. I think that my thread was not that much hated. Ormir, Siren, Phyre, HarmonyDies, you and Salma were upset about it. You are all regular (except Harmony, but his vote do not really count). As you explained it, it is normal that you are all upset. But I think that the people who are not regular here are not really upset by this, and might even have found it really useful. I would have.

I guess I'll have to be quieter and less extravagant to obtain a small place here. It is not my normal way of behaving, but it is not accepted here.

I find it rather funny that when these 'high and mighty' individuals come here and try insult me, they always seem to go for the name, it's not that fucking hard, if you can't type it then use copy/paste damnit, the fact that you mangle it makes you look real moronic, if you wanna insult someone at least learn to write their name right, I don't go around bashing peoples names, I concider it really childish.
And no the fact that it's finnish doesn't make it any harder, I can type anyones name here, no matter what the language is.

Don't come to me telling you have seen more 'real world' than I have, you don't know me, do you? Then shut the fuck up (and yeah, yeah, same goes for me).
And btw, how do you have any time for you 'actual life' seeing as you have been here since April and have almost double my posts? Yeah, I know, I am logged in all day, that doesn't mean I am doing anything on the boards tho, I just leave it on for when I have time to read it.
And if you don't think 'I speak the truth' is not uptight then, you and me have nothing to discuss.
On second thought I think I'll just ignore you from no on.
@Samarkol (see I got it right, you childish being)

The fact I didn't spam the Death threat is simple, Death, even tho I don't listen to them are known as a legend in the metal field and even tho the thread would have been better elsewhere, is not annoying, just someone wondering what to do, it was not an ad.
Also Death doesn't have a board here.

Your post however, is an INSIGNIFICANT fact about an INSIGNIFICANT band in ALL concerns to the metal scene. And it was also an ad. They have their own board here, like Ormir already pointed to your retardted ass, the people who like CoB can go there for this INSIGNIFICANT fact. I fucking HATE CoB, I concider mentioning them on the DT board the biggest insult you can make.
What the hell is this??? Arguing about what is spam and insignificant threads, and what is important and interesting to DT-fans? We are all individuals aren`t we, and have different tastes and opinions. I think it`s arrogant behaviour if some old members of this forum think that they "own" it, and that they are to tell what is a good thread/post or not.

I don`t give a damn about Children of Bodom, either. But if someone posts anything about them, why not just kindly show them to the official CoB-forum, instead of starting a lot of silly arguments about how many percent of the DT fans like CoB, and so on.

Anyway, I thought this forum was made for fans of Dark Tranquillity, both old and new ones, from the early nineties to present, and of all ages. If someone tries to ruin it by posting spam, it`s a shame, but it`s also very sad if you can`t post anything inside here anymore because of the fear of starting a verbal fight.

Were did the good old "Brothers of metal"-spirit go?
I hope this matter is now settled for good and we can leave this topic without further verbal combat. Once Rahvin gets back, he should either close this thread, or delete it, I think.

I also hope we all have learned a bit from this all and can from now on concentrate on things that matter the most, namely: Where in the hell is Rahvin? And why the DT-faq still isn't up? And what did Siren eat for breakfast this morning?

And to those that now doubt it: yes, we can open up this closed community and there is room for newcomers also - it will just take some time. Be patient.

Here's an idea - if you don't like the thread , DON'T READ IT!

Its like a parental committee complaining about porn on TV because their children are watching it.

What a group of intolerant pricks you are.
Originally posted by Nexus
What the hell is this??? Arguing about what is spam and insignificant threads, and what is important and interesting to DT-fans? We are all individuals aren`t we, and have different tastes and opinions. I think it`s arrogant behaviour if some old members of this forum think that they "own" it, and that they are to tell what is a good thread/post or not.

I don`t give a damn about Children of Bodom, either. But if someone posts anything about them, why not just kindly show them to the official CoB-forum, instead of starting a lot of silly arguments about how many percent of the DT fans like CoB, and so on.

Anyway, I thought this forum was made for fans of Dark Tranquillity, both old and new ones, from the early nineties to present, and of all ages. If someone tries to ruin it by posting spam, it`s a shame, but it`s also very sad if you can`t post anything inside here anymore because of the fear of starting a verbal fight.

Were did the good old "Brothers of metal"-spirit go?

That spirit has apparently NEVER existed here. Salamurhaaja (that's as close as I'm getting) feels that it's his way or no way. I haven't seen anyone else be as hardline as he. He's also very, very concerned about how many posts you have, about whether or not you can spell his long Finnish name, about the merits of Death being legendary enough that they've surpassed spam, and about how much he hates Children Of Bodom , thus they don't deserve to be mentioned.

Fuck Salamurhaaja.

There, I said it. Oh no, what will I do? The wrath of the board-Nazi will be upon me...:rolleyes:
Sorry phyre, you I respect and will do so because you've asked.

But that dude needs a serious reality check. I'm not dumb enough to make "threats" over the internet, but one day, Salamurhaaja will meet the mountain. And it won't be pretty.
Originally posted by Villain
I hope this matter is now settled for good and we can leave this topic without further verbal combat. Once Rahvin gets back, he should either close this thread, or delete it, I think.

I hope so too. This forum is too good to be ruined by threads like this. (I mean this whole thread, not the one who started it)
Originally posted by Villain
I also hope we all have learned a bit from this all and can from now on concentrate on things that matter the most, namely: [...]And what did Siren eat for breakfast this morning?
Now, thank you for considering me and my breakfast such an interesting topic, you honour both of us :grin: :lol: :lol:

Siren (my breakfast's name is Lunch :cool: )
Originally posted by Villain
I hope this matter is now settled for good and we can leave this topic without further verbal combat. Once Rahvin gets back, he should either close this thread, or delete it, I think.


Ah!!!! some time passed, but still Villain seems to be the most intelligent one :D
Sometimes people are too straight, even if a thread is not in the best place...well who am I to say!!!!

btw: Ormir...your signatures sounds like Manowar :lol: I knew you were "true" ;)

fathervic (as true as a cucumber)
Hrm... didn't really want to respond to this thread, but I'll try to make it brief. Before I start, yeah Salmy, there is a Death board- its under 'The Departed' - just got set up a little while ago as far as I can tell.

Now, I don't really think that any of your are truly terrible people, but these pointless flamewars simply bring out the worst of everyone's personality. First, some people here need to recognize sarcasm (not on this thread, but I've seen f.w.'s start over misinterpreted phrases). Second, I don't understand why some people here feel like they have a reputation to protect. Its an online forum! Barely anyone here knows each other in real life, and the point of having a screen name is that you can say what you truly feel with a degree of impunity. I realize that this makes f.w.'s easier, but that's simply when people take their online personalities a tad too far. Third, why have the majority of these wars started in the past month or so? I don't see anything too much different in the membership. I do remember Samarkol from before these past weeks, and he's not a bad guy. The problem is that so many people have opinions on what deserves to be here and what doesn't. I must confess that this thread was a bit misplaced, as personally, I don't know anyone who has even the slightest bit of respect for the band, let alone who listens to it. That doesn't mean that I need to bash Samarkol for his views, however. True, he should have posted this in the New Albums thread or not at all on this forum, but I have no problem giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one.
As for the rest of the people on here, I think more than a few are exaggerating this beyond what it needs to be, and some of you I fail to recognize if I simply read your replies and not the authors. It's definitely starting to get childish in here, and I've seen you all in much more intelligent and relevant conversations. I agree with the idea that you should simply ignore the threads you don't like (I can't remember who wrote this). It's not doing any harm being on the board if you don't look at it, and if only the people who like it reply (from what I gather) it won't last too long either.

~Kovenant (sorry for the long reply...but I couldn't help it)
Hi Kovenant....
well really, I don't know what people have turned up to be so extremely straight...I've been out for a loooooooong time, but now everything that is not from the DT is treated as spam...I don't know....I nearly fear to post a pic of what I'm drinking right now, may be somebody will hate me for the rest of his life...
anyway, everybody is free to do whatever they like...and blah and blah and blah

fathervic (disillusioned)
I agree with FV here. It almost seems like everyone here is challenging Misanthrope for his title of forum nazi. I've never been a big poster, but the last few months I have bassically avoided this place b/c the overall vibe is so shitty. I used to like this forum the most because it was absent of the flamewars that are so common everywhere else. I think that some of you people might be paranoid that this forum will one day turn into the In Flames forum or something. How about this: let the other people in the forum decide whether we want to participate in a thread...the good ones will stay and the shitty ones will find their way to the bottom of the page. We can see if Darwin's theory applies to the DT board. By bickering over whether a thread belongs here or not we just make this place that much more like the IF board.

I'm also hoping that as autumn arrives, more regulars will return from summer vacation. I'll just keep my eye on that 'returned from a long absence' thread, I guess.

Alright, enough from me....I'll be back in another month or so....:)