CoB Video Interview

well it didnt work for me at first but what i did was right click and scrolled to "save target as and saved to to my desk top and then double clicked on it and sure enough it worked :)
I hope im not the only one who sat through the whole video not understanding a damn word that was said but still thought it was awesome. i dont know what the format was, but it opened in a realplayer popup which happened to have the controls in finnish (i dunno dont ask me. i dont have a fuckin clue i just work here :p )
dilema1362 said:
I hope im not the only one who sat through the whole video not understanding a damn word that was said but still thought it was awesome. i dont know what the format was, but it opened in a realplayer popup which happened to have the controls in finnish (i dunno dont ask me. i dont have a fuckin clue i just work here :p )

I think i don't have real player installed in my computer, so i suppose that's the reason why it doesn't work for me. Thanks !
the video rules! great! even if i don't understand a single word... but it's awesome! a druken bunny is always funny :-)