COB's Fastest Double-Bass?


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Which songs?

I figured Touch Like Angel Of Death actually has a pretty fast blastbeat part in it.. But which songs have the fastest ones? Anyone considered?

I mean So Far, because Blooddrunk has a song with their fastest double bass yet, according to Jaska..
I mean So Far, because Blooddrunk has a song with their fastest double bass yet, according to Jaska..

Where did he say that?

I reckon some of the blastbeats on Something Wild are the fastest, but who really cares? I mean it gets to the point if you play any faster it will sound like shit, or, I dunno, well-timed farts :lol: It isn't meant to be a sport of who can play the fastest or what song has the fastest double-bass.
Snare is a part of drums or smth?.. Yea I know, I'm not stupid.

Altitudes, Jaska said it way back. Don't even think of starting, I'm not shitting. :lol:

Check that Update thingy at Scythes
nope,he's not,and I hope this really means that this album is faster and more aggresive,because even though I like AYDY,I find it very slow and not as aggressive as Alexi seems to find it.
nope,he's not,and I hope this really means that this album is faster and more aggresive,because even though I like AYDY,I find it very slow and not as aggressive as Alexi seems to find it.

That's because most of AYDY is just a slow, inane chug-a-lug-fest, as opposed to the speed metal we got from them in the past.
well yeah,that's why I say that I'd this new album to be faster and more aggresive,because I had enough with one AYDY?(although I do like it)

Same. AYDY is an okay album I guess, it's just so mind-numbingly repetitive and simple in comparison to their work pre-2001. "Faster and more progressive", to me, equals :kickass:.
Actually most blastbeats are played with 8ths on the doublebass which means you won't find the fastest double bass parts when blastbeats are played.
no wtf! blast beats consist of alternating usually snare and hi-hat, or it can be a ride cymbal or even the bass. the bass can also come in on or off the beat for emphasis, as well as the ride or hi hat, whichever isn't being used.

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^Yes, so it's not like fast doublebass and less snare = blastbeat.

Most/all metal-musicians think of something like this when they talk about blastbeats:
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Probably Deadnight Warrior. I think the double kick at the beginning is around 215bpm. Most other COB songs are between 180-200.