Coded message in Watershed booklet deciphered.

There's still several people who seem to not want it posted, so I think I'll wait a little longer. If you want it posted so much I propose you figure it out and post it yourself. No offense meant, but there's too many people who want information to be immediately at their fingertips; it makes it more worthless that way. The information actually becomes 'knowledge' if you work for it.
Personally, if someone else deciphered it and wouldn't post it, I'd applaud them for not contributing to a culture that doesn't value rare items like this.

Yeah. Most of us haven't even received the album yet. I like solving stuff, so I would not want it handed to me. I'd rather solve it myself. I'll get to it as soon as I have time after receiving the album.

But then again, I could just not open this thread if I suspect to find the answer here.
If people want to read it, then someone post it and make it very clear it's the deciphered code.

If you don't want to read it... Don't. Simple as that.
For those who want answers right off, you could always PM each other. But please leave the code unsolved for the individuals who want the FULL experience of the album. That includes the music, artwork, and the CODE.

A few people have already PM'd me, but I don't trust anyone enough, haha.
Well, if I'm the only one who knows, I guess for now it remains a secret. The answer's there for anyone willing to put a little time and effort into it.
If people want to read it, then someone post it and make it very clear it's the deciphered code.

If you don't want to read it... Don't. Simple as that.


Hell if I had the album I would crack it and post it here.
A few people have already PM'd me, but I don't trust anyone enough, haha.
Well, if I'm the only one who knows, I guess for now it remains a secret. The answer's there for anyone willing to put a little time and effort into it.

^That's good thinking.

The problem with "Just don't open the thread" is that it could leak to other threads. If it actually does stay ONLY on this thread, then I just won't open it. But I don't see that happening, with all the trolls that hang around here...:zombie:
Is it actually worth deciphering? Is it something deeply profound and mystical? Or is it, like, a recipe for socks?
You won't know until you decipher it. I look at it this way: Whatever I spend my hard-earned money on, I want to take advantage of everything it offers me. So if the album has some sort of code to decipher, that's a great bonus. After deciphering it, a person can make the decision whether it was really worth it or not. But personally I find it more fulfilling then taking the easy way out and having everything spoon-fed to me, whatever the answer may be.

To me Opeth is a thinker's band, so why are so many "Opeth fans" so bent on getting all the answers yesterday?:erk:
I'm currently in the process of compiling (for personal use) a list of characters and a count of how many there are in the text. Maybe I won't count the full text, but at least 5-6 lines to see if there's a tendency.
Together with the Poe story, I should (hopefully) be able to crack the code...

Fuck! I fucked up confusing lines 3 and 4 halfway through... damn, now I lost count!!! ARGH!!!!!!!
I don't have the album yet, but I'm amazed only one person has been able to crack it if it's a simple substitution code. Obviously people are not trying hard enough.
I supposed you could solve it like that but I thought it would be Swedish and I'd waste my time trying to solve it, will give it another try.

Since so many people are requesting it, here's a black n white scan (of the code, so no spoiler here ;) )
^Please delete if it's not allowed.
I don't have the album yet, but I'm amazed only one person has been able to crack it if it's a simple substitution code. Obviously people are not trying hard enough.

The problem (I guess) is not so much the cracking itself, but the counting of symbols. The code is written as one big wall of text in relatively small print, so it's easy to lose count between the lines. And, for some strange reason, as has been said, i and p share the same symbol (?) thus, the 4th common letter (according to Poe) and the 4th most uncommon (again, according to Poe) share one symbol, further complicating things....
OK, so I had the day off work yesterday and sat down and unravelled the cipher in the back of the booklet. It took way longer than it should have because I missed a couple of easy markers, but I found them eventually after heading down several false routes, haha.
Out of interest, has anyone else decoded this yet?
I don't want to spoil the fun and post the translation (unless someone else already has, of course), so I'll give three hints.
(if you like a challenge, read no further!)

1. It's a substitution cipher (OK, not really a hint, that's quite obvious).

2. The letters 'i' and 'p' are represented by the same symbol (for anyone else who has decoded it, this also serves as proof that I'm telling the truth).

3. Read 'The Gold Bug' by Edgar Allen Poe.

Well, have fun! Like I said, it took me a while, but that's because I missed several pieces of information that I should have picked up on. So if you have a couple of spare hours, give it a try; it's much more rewarding figuring it out for yourself than having the answer given to you (though I'm certain there'll be plenty who will do that soon enough).

That one really helps! I understand the method of deciphering it ,but I don't still have the album and it's annoying to work on the computer so I've to wait lol