Coded message in Watershed booklet deciphered.

Can we all agree so far on the fact that there are 22 distinct symbols? (thus meaning that 23 letters of the alphabet are present, considering i and p share a symbol)
I counted 23 different symbols...


This can only mean I'm counting 2 symbols as one, possibly because they ALWAYS appear together?

Can you give me a hint if there are 2 symbols that are always together othey can be mistaken for one?

(Maybe a line and a dot or something?) This would really help me out, because otherwise, all my attempts are futile....
Ok, I'm 100% sure I got 4 letters figured out so far.

They are: e, h, r and t.

Anyone also trying to crack the code can discuss this with me via PM.
Ok, I'm 100% sure I got 4 letters figured out so far.

They are: e, h, r and t.

Anyone also trying to crack the code can discuss this with me via PM.

By the way, I take back what I said: The only letter I'm sure of is e.

t and h I'm "pretty sure" and my theory for r has been discarded...