coffee makers

Caffeine essentially plays a Jedi mind trick on your body to ignore fatigue. Whether it makes you peppy like a school girl, or laid back & alert depends on a variety of factors.
i have to say, since you guys may or may not know that I have been drinking decaf for years, that recently I have been drinking regular coffee in the morning with the wife.

For a few days it made me peppy for a couple of hours after consumption, but if not replenished with more, i was actually feeling more down than usual once it wore off. a week or so later, I was not even feeling the initial jolt any longer ?!?!
it was a nice reminder why I weaned off of it in the first place years ago.

same goes for soda with too much caffeine and sugar as well.
i have to say, since you guys may or may not know that I have been drinking decaf for years, that recently I have been drinking regular coffee in the morning with the wife.

For a few days it made me peppy for a couple of hours after consumption, but if not replenished with more, i was actually feeling more down than usual once it wore off. a week or so later, I was not even feeling the initial jolt any longer ?!?!
it was a nice reminder why I weaned off of it in the first place years ago.

same goes for soda with too much caffeine and sugar as well.

Completely agree so I stopped drinking morning coffee a while back. I don't see why it should be replaced with defac though? (NOTE: I have never to my knowledge even tasted decaf but it sounds completely redundant to my ears)
the only reason i drink decaf is because I like the taste/flavor of coffee and for that alone it satisfies.
I like having a period of 3-4 hours of focus in the afternoon. Seems to help me through the afternoon. Ten to eleven hour days of staring at a computer is pretty tiring.
yo doc, did you nix your FB account? was trying to send you something last night and you were off the list. or did you Watkins me? :loco:
Hey, thanks for thinking of me. What were you going to send?
Yeah, I nixed the account. I realized the only people I wanted on there were RC folks and I figured if I ousted everyone who wasn't RC, alot of people would get butthurt. A friend suggested people simply don't care that much and she's probably right, but fuck it. I did it anyway. It's also saved me shitloads of time not getting on there every minute.
a link to d/l the human centipede :loco:

i deleted about 15-20 people the other day, mostly ones I physically met for less than a day ... but wait, that means all my RC connections should be deleted.
Yeah, I nixed the account. I realized the only people I wanted on there were RC folks and I figured if I ousted everyone who wasn't RC, alot of people would get butthurt.

Same reason I started my account back in the day. Unfortunately, despite the same gaggle of individuals being present, that site's layout does not foster the same brand of conversation seen here.

I surmised I weakened two legitimate connections after removing my friends/deactivating. A reasonable price to pay for crawling out of that mire of mundaneness. If you're too busy to send a personalized text/ phone call, or heaven forbid a knock on my door, then let the devil take you.
both RiA and Gray are just dodging ex-girlfriends.
one of my old exes has been incessantly trying to friend request me lately too ... too bad I learned just recently that its better to leave friend requests in purgatory than just hitting Ignore. that way they can't hit you up again.
An ignore on facebook w/o explanation is a grave slight. I have an old buddy on there who I haven't seen in two years who ignored a horde of my buddies requests without due cause. Needless to stay, they were affronted. I offered to reconnection, hence I chuckled heartily.

Moose & Zod both denied my requests in the past, but were kind enough to explain to me that my views may not boil well with their tangible chums. :lol: :lol:
Adrian pretty much defriended everyone that bothered him. That was his advice to me about certain people but I'm just not as hard as he is. So I had to bow out entirely. I do miss him though. Anyone on FB that is not affiliated with RC is pretty lame. That's not just a sweeping generalization; it's a fact supported by tomes of empirical evidence.
Moose & Zod both denied my requests in the past, but were kind enough to explain to me that my views may not boil well with their tangible chums. :lol: :lol:

hahahaha It's a reasonable explanation. More reasonable for me though, was just deactivating my account.
I just hide the people that annoy me. Ya know, those people that you actually do like, and wouldn't want to delete entirely, but damn if their status updates aren't annoying as hell. Teenage relatives, for example.