coffee makers

he is and so am i but you i don't see that stopping me from posting about swedish candy
- How much are you willing to pay for a cup of joe?

A gourmet coffee chain is betting you'll pay up to $12 for a fine brew.

Cafe Grumpy has Brooklyn locations in Greenpoint and Park Slope. It also has a Manhattan location in Chelsea.

It is part of a small, but growing, movement of coffee shops roasting their own beans.

The company defends the steep prices, saying they are higher end coffees and take much longer to develop and process.

The cafes offer a changing selection of coffees. One current offering is called Nekisse. It is described as a "very clean, sweet, complex cup with tropical fruit notes of pineapple, kiwi and key lime."

Cafe Grumpy also offers specialty teas.

I've just spent the last 10 minutes trying to find that terrorist coffee shop in Minnesota, where you pay more for being a Swizzlenut. I did find one called "Ground Zero." Maybe they changed their name! :loco:
I have a cheapo French Press and a cheapo grinder. My coffee slays.

I'm going to do a taste test soon though. All these bags of coffee say it has notes of this and overtones of that but I can't detect any of that shit. Guess my palate for snobby beer didn't translate to snobby coffee.
coffee truly is one of the world's largest ripoffs, that said I rarely buy a coffee... Free Office coffee or good stuff from home in a thermos/travel mug. I once worked somewhere without free coffee and it was hell dragging 2 full thermos's in every day.
i've very nearly stopped drinking coffee (regularly)

i've had at least a cup a day (morning) for the past 10-12 years but since upping my coffee intake at work the past year and a half, i noticed it was only making me tired, so i just kind of quit. now i drink tea in the mornings and it's working out pretty good. had a headache for two days after quitting but i feel better now.
I too for the most part have quit drinking coffee. I take my caffeine via pill form 200mg at a time. Same effect sans the British smile.

100 pills = $3.95 (Cheaper than a venti white chocolate mocha)
is it just on me that caffeine has no discernible positive effect anymore? just makes me tired
Caffeine doesn't ever make you awake nor does it give you energy.

I was up to about 2 french presses a day in the Fall, so I just gave up coffee and had a head ache for about three days. I've kind of slipped back into drinking coffee lately because I've been so busy and it's relaxing to code while having a cup of coffee (and beer for that matter).
Caffeine doesn't ever make you awake nor does it give you energy.

I work graveyard, without caffeine I'd be on the nod every hour on the hour. Such a statement is tantamount to when a person states that their unable to get inebriated off of alcohol no matter the quantity. Yes you can build a tolerance to X substance, but you're not above the effects when adjusted accordingly.
caffeine does obviously not give you energy but it makes the body consume energy at a faster rate which "speeds up" certain bodily functions

at least this is my understanding of the matter