
Honestly, I'd probably like Coil if it wasn't for Nathalie. I don't care for her voice. Actually, I think Coil overall is a very boring song. Definitely the weekest on the album. I wish Opeth would have got Anette from Nightwish to do Coil or maybe even Simone from Epica. I'd like to hear how either of them would have fit the song.
Wow, that would blow chunks.
i get chills every time mike and natalie sing "and i can see you..."
by far the best parts of the song, very emotional vocals.
It does what it's supposed to do, and does a fantastic job. It immediately shows the listener that this isn't "just another opeth album", that this is definitely something new and different. It's obviously not going to be able to be held in the same regards as a song like Hessian Peel, but as an intro to the album (especially followed up by Heir Apparent) it's amazing.