"Coldest" Black Metal Band?

Depends for me.

I tend to listen Emperor's Anthems... on sunny autumnal afternoons, as for Nightside... I mostly listened to it in the night time.

Also, albums like Filosofem (Burzum), Bergtatt (Ulver) or Nemesis Divina (Satyricon) suit me more in daylight.

Can't listen to Darkthrone on a sunny summer Sunday though.
The Bringer said:
I think some of these guys are just rating them by album names.

Well, I think black metal albums are entitled based on the atmosphere of the music and lyrics.
Yes, but mostly BM "artists" tend to create a certain atmosphere with sound, production, use of instruments, vocals and effects, right?
Epheles, for some reason sounds really cold to me. Their weird ambient intros create like this sound you would not find really out of place in an ice cavern, had someone made an literal audio track of one anyways.


this was a good suggestion. digging it (the 2011 release).

(replying to a 7 year old thread. sick)