Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

Andy, will there ever be a possibility of putting up like a 20 or 30 second track of Arch Enemies Doomsday Machine with only drums? I'm really interested in how this would sound, since this is still to date my favourite drum mix all times! Would be really nice to a / b that stuff with my sucky recordings and see what I can improve..
Finally thought of a good question for the thread...

Andy, when you're working out the snare sound for a project, and doing the usual blend of real snare and sample, are you blending a full frequency sample with a full frequency live track? If that doesn't make sense, what I mean is, do you use a high pass on the sampled track and rely on the live track to get the fatness, or do you do it vice versa, or some other variation of EQing the two tracks to taste? Also, how much processing typically gets done individually on the sampled track or live track, and how much (if any) processing gets done to both tracks as one? I'm just trying to figure out what you rely on the live track for, and what you rely on the sampled track for in a mix. I always have a hard time blending the real snare sound in with a good sampled track I've set up, as it just seems to take away from the cleanliness of the sampled track, and I feel like I'm maybe just not approaching the blend in the right way.