College Republicans - Send the poor, I'm too busy partying!!

Generation Chickenhawk
-Max Blumenthal

In interviews, more than a dozen College Republican conventiongoers explained why it is important that they stay on campus while other, less fortunate people their age wage a bloody war in Iraq. They strongly support the war, they told me, but they also want to enjoy college life and pursue interesting careers. Being a College Republican allows them to do both. It is warfare by other, much safer means.

I chatted for a while with Collin Kelley, a senior at Washington State with a vague resemblance to the studly actor Orlando Bloom. Kelley told me he's "sick and tired of people saying our troops are dying in vain" and added, "This isn't an invasion of Iraq, it's a liberation--as David Horowitz said." When I asked him why he was staying on campus rather than fighting the good fight, he rubbed his shoulder and described a nagging football injury from high school. Plus, his parents didn't want him to go. "They're old hippies," Kelley said.

Munching on a chicken quesadilla at a table nearby was Edward Hauser, a senior at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas--a liberal school in a liberal town in the ultimate red state of Texas. "Austin is ninety square miles insulated from reality," Hauser said. When I broached the issue of Iraq, he replied, "I support our country. I support our troops." So why isn't he there?

"I know that I'm going to be better staying here and working to convince people why we're there [in Iraq]," Hauser explained, pausing in thought. "I'm a fighter, but with words."

At a table by the buffet was Justin Palmer, vice chairman of the Georgia Association of College Republicans. Palmer's future as a right-wing operative looked bright; he batted away my question about his decision to avoid fighting the war he supported with the closest thing I heard to a talking point all afternoon. "The country is like a body," Palmer explained, "and each part of the body has a different function. Certain people do certain things better than others." He said his "function" was planning a "Support Our Troops" day on campus this year in which students honored military recruiters from all four branches of the service.

By the time I encountered Cory Bray, a towering senior from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, the beer was flowing freely. "The people opposed to the war aren't putting their asses on the line," Bray boomed from beside the bar. Then why isn't he putting his ass on the line? "I'm not putting my ass on the line because I had the opportunity to go to the number-one business school in the country," he declared, his voice rising in defensive anger, "and I wasn't going to pass that up."


Ramona Valdez was 20 years old and she died as a Marine, in combat. Her family had none of the advantages of these people, her age, have had. Everything good about her is now just a memory.

She could have gone to school, she could have been drinking beer in a hotel. But instead she joined the Marines, just like thousands of other ambitious, but poor kids.

I'm tired of their excuses and their selfishness. I don't think anything but ill comes from Iraq. I wouldn't recommend anyone enlist to fight there. But these kids are utter and contemptible cowards. They think they can win a war by cheerleading and no one disabuses them of this notion. They are being coddled into thinking that a good speech is the same as going to Scout/Sniper school or being an MP and it isn't even close.

Their excuses are so palid, so insulting, so vile that it makes me ill. They want someone else to win a war they cheerlead. They think that all it takes is a good speech.
Operation Yellow Elephant is in full swing....the initiative to get College Republicans to put their money where their mouth is and enlist, to support what they say they support.

but because I'm a fair guy, I'm forwarding on this handy bingo card of excuses you can use if someone asks you why you are not serving in the military.:)

Fight of the Chickenhawk

A coward dies a thousand
deaths, the brave just one Posted by Picasa

Let us take up the case of one Nathan Taylor, a coward's coward if there ever was one.



YRNC 2005 Chairman Nathan Taylor has been responding to attacks by leftists who threaten protests at the 2005 Young Republican Convention.

"In recent weeks I have received numerous e-mails from leftist groups bent on infiltrating the Convention and protesting the appearance of veterans of the War on Terror. We will not allow these cowards to dishonor our servicemen,” stated Taylor.

Actually the protestors are protesting the fact that able-bodied (and we're being generous here) young Republicans like Nathan are ducking out on their patriotic responsibilities and avoiding a war that they wave their little pom-poms for. That Nathan would see this as an attack on the servicemen that they say they are planning to "honor" would mean that ol' Nate plans on adding Weasel to his resume right after Chickenhawk and "charges-dropped embezzler". He just can't seem to stop from hiding behind others when attacked.



Edward Roberts (L) and his wife Regina stand with the U.S. flag from the coffin of her daughter Lance Corporal Holly Charette of the U.S. Marine Corps as Charette was buried at the Rhode Island Veterans Cemetery in Exeter, Rhode Island July 2, 2005. Corporal Charette was killed in Fallujah, Iraq when her convoy was attacked in June 2005. (Brian Snyder/Reuters) Posted by Picasa

That would be this Holly Charette:

Holly A. Charette was a cheerleader in high school, a ''girlie girl" who, her friends said, liked to make faces to entertain them.

But Sept. 11, 2001, changed her, friends said. Charette, who had high-kicked and cheered for the boy's hockey team, became serious and focused. She took long runs to harden her physique.

In late 2001, Charette joined the Marines, becoming one of the few women to join the ''few good men," as the elite service branch is sometimes known.

Earlier this year, Charette, by then a lance corporal, was deployed to Iraq as part of the Headquarters Battalion of the Second Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force.

Charette died Thursday when a suicide bomber driving a vehicle packed with explosives rammed her military convoy in Fallujah, killing her and at least three other female troops. It was the deadliest attack on women in the US military since the start of the Iraq war.

Athletic, upbeat, and given to delivering ice cream to sick friends, Charette, 21, was ''loved by all of us and everyone that she knew," her aunt, Charlene Wheetman, said in a brief statement she read in front of the family's house in Coventry.

''She wanted to be a Marine after 9/11. She wanted to do something for her country. She was a very proud Marine. We are all missing a part of our hearts without her here."


Hero Holly Charette.


Coward Nathan Taylor

Nathan is spending this week at Mandalay Bay

Holly Charette is spending the week, and forever after, in the ground.
moi, agent provocateur??

Foreign Policy

Al Qaida/Taliban: World domination - do it our way or we attack
American Taliban: World domination - do it our way or we attack
Liberals: Peace and international cooperation

Executing Minors

Al Qaida/Taliban: Executing Minors OK
American Taliban: Executing Minors OK
Liberals: Find this to be a barbaric and embarrassing practice

Pop Culture

Al Qaida/Taliban: Hate it... kill it
American Taliban: Hate it... ban it
Liberals: Laugh at it... boycott it


Al Qaida/Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
American Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
Liberals: Willingness to consider other viewpoints


Al Qaida/Taliban: God is on our side and will help us kill our enemies
American Taliban: God is on our side and will help us kill our enemies
Liberals: God may or may not exist and will not help us kill anyone

Stem Cell Research

Al Qaida/Taliban: No Stem cell research
American Taliban: No Stem cell research
Liberals: Stem cell research


Al Qaida/Taliban: God choose Osama Bin Laden to defeat the Great Satan
American Taliban: God choose George W. Bush to lead us
Liberals: God didn't choose anyone

Use of Force

Al Qaida/Taliban: As a means of propagating a world view
American Taliban: As a means of propagating a world view
Liberals: As a last resort

Bush's War in Iraq

Al Qaida/Taliban: Love it!
American Taliban: Love it!
Liberals: It's a disaster


Al Qaida/Taliban: Control of the Press
American Taliban: Manipulation of the Press
Liberals: Freedom of the Press

Free Speech

Al Qaida/Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is an infidel and must be silenced
American Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is a traitor and must be silenced
Liberals: Anyone who disagrees with us is in for a spirited discussion


Al Qaida/Taliban: Conform or else
American Taliban: Conform or else
Liberals: Embrace diversity


Al Qaida/Taliban: You're either with us or against us
American Taliban: You're either with us or against us
Liberals: We're all in this together


Al Qaida/Taliban: Death to the infidels
American Taliban: Kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity
Liberals: Live and let live


Al Qaida/Taliban: Obedience to authority
American Taliban: Obedience to authority
Liberals: Critical reflection


Al Qaida/Taliban: Universe and man created 6,000 years ago by God
American Taliban: Universe and man created 6,000 years ago by God
Liberals: The Universe began as we know it at least 14 billion years ago, maybe more


Al Qaida/Taliban: Subservient to will of its leaders
American Taliban: Subservient to will of its leaders
Liberals: Will served by Representative government


Al Qaida/Taliban: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in moral absolutes and scorn those that threaten those absolutes
American Taliban: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in moral absolutes and scorn those that threaten those absolutes
Liberals: Life is scary and uncertain, seek refuge in accepting that respect for our fellow man and the individual choices he/she makes is eminently moral


Al Qaida/Taliban: A woman's place is in the home
American Taliban: A woman's place is in the home
Liberals: A woman's place is wherever she wants it to be


Al Qaida/Taliban: Marriage is only between a man and a woman
American Taliban: Marriage is only between a man and a woman
Liberals: Marriage is between any two people who love each other

...Even more to the point, although the Bush administration may be promising publicly that there will be no draft, privately they’ve been planning one for more than a year. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported last year that the Selective Service secretly asked for the authority to increase the draft age to 34 and to include women. (Mind you, they suddenly need this added authority for a draft they assure us will never occur.)

But it won’t be enough to just draft a bunch of grunts. The Post-Intelligencer also reported that “Selective Service planning for a possible draft of linguists and computer experts began last fall after Pentagon personnel officials said the military needed more people with skills in those areas.” And the New York Times reported that in 2004 that the Selective Service updated its contingency plans for a draft of doctors, nurses, and other health care workers and paid an outside consultant to figure out how to implement such a draft and how to sell it to the public.

That sure is a lot of prep work for something no one’s considering doing.
And you're doing a darned fine job about it, too! :yuk:

Actually, that last one don't bother me as much. There has been drafting here in Norway since, like, forever. And although I'm against it, that is sort-of an everyday thing around here. But those college republicans!!! Draft their asses, I say!
What a horrible example of College Republicans...of COURSE there is going to be fucking douche bags like that on College Campuses...what did that prove? Its soso easy to say "If you love the war, why don't you marryyy ittttt????". It seems to be the "Secret Weapon" of all left-wing anti-warriors, the steak in the heart of all the republican vampires. Of course not all republicans are going to join the military, its just not going to happen...nor does it need to happen. And of course young, dis-advantaged people are always going to be enlisting in the armed forces, as its a sure-fire paycheck.
This may not make any sense, but: if the Liberals had a war that they supported, and had young people loosing their lifes in battle, you can bet your ass there would be just as many "support our troops" people that where not in the recruiting offices because they where in Law School, or somthing of the sort. Its a completley rediculous thing to use as a bassis of arguement against the right-wing.
The people running troop support fund raisers and other "Right Wing" events are doing the exact same thing as Liberals who are raising money to help starving Iraqi's etc etc. (Which im sure even Republicans can support), except the right-wing has the thorn in its side that they "could be fighting over there!" which the left wing just keeps pushing farther and farther into them. blahblahblabha give me some fucking vodka and SODOM, im tired of thinking right now =)
The people opposed to the war aren't putting their asses on the line," Bray boomed

well duh?

i see bush at the old g8 there wants to further research into non fossil fuels now...
but he mentions security reasons haha what a cunt

fuck the fact he cut fnding on research in his first year as false presedent and flushed the koyoto agreement

fucking cunt cunt cunt :wave:

why did you elect this bastard?

oh right you didn't...he cheated, but secomd time....


ha, cunt
Those fucking spoiled rich cocksucking frat boy Masonic shitheads are everything I despised about college. Put the motherfuckers in the front lines and let's see what big war supporters they are then, the goddamn cowardly pieces of shit.

I seriously cannot stress enough how much I loathe people like that, for a multitude of reasons. Damn them. Damn them all.