Common Traits In Your Music?

Unique: This could refer to structure, content, presentation; anything that ends up as something I have never imagined prior to pressing play. When music is truly singular, it is an unimaginably powerful experience. Non-Metal examples include: Robyn Hitchcock, Talking Heads and Outkast. Metal examples include: Lykathea Aflame, Macabre and Melechesh.
Energetic: As far as metal goes, energy is absolutely central to my enjoyment. This doesn't necessarily refer to music being fast or aggressive, but the emotion put into its creation has to not only be evident, but overwhelming.
Non-Metal examples include: Kingston Wall, Nick Cave and Nico
Metal examples include: Primordial, Nazxul and early Pestilence
1) Groove/Slam: Stuff that makes me want to dance like Carlton from Fresh Prince of Bel Air

2)Wall of Sound: Production/mix that sounds expansive

3)Melancholy: What krampus said

4)Gross vocals: vocals that sound like a garbage disposal or an enraged animal