My point exactly.Cats are fucking metal. They do whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.
My boyfriend has a retarded cat. It can't walk in a straight line, instead it spins to the left in a circle that eventually takes him where he needs to go. He runs into shit all the time.
I also play with toy soldiers. Mine are almost exclusively religious nutjobs and witchhunters though, and I would call them 'quite metal'. Probably Doom metal.
Cats are fucking metal. They do whatever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.
My boyfriend has a retarded cat. It can't walk in a straight line, instead it spins to the left in a circle that eventually takes him where he needs to go. He runs into shit all the time.
He can jump and walk on walls, though. I saw him go a good 6 feet on the wall, all 4 legs only touching the wall. Then he ran into the corner. I thought he had given himself brain damage he hit so hard.
Don't worry I listen to her also and love her
One of my life's goals is to find a secluded-ish surfing beach and buy a house on it, and learn to surf. All year, I would never work, just surf and do other shit like playing guitar. I would live there for a year or so.I'm a surfer
Mine wear dresses and call themselves High Elves. I would call them quite fantasy, perhaps even derived.
When I fuck around, or am working on my bm project, it's 100% metal. I'm in a non-metal band (I guess you could call it very hard electro/industrial), but I still use lots of metal technique (palm muting, tremolo picking, etc.) in our music.Do you play metal?
WOW! They are?!
...because my answer to this thread was going to be "listening to Slipknot"
but since their metal and all, I think I'll go with Black Sabbath, heh... Oh, wait someone on this board once told me their proto metal? shit im all confused
Fantastic.Hey rip have you heard any new Amorphis? Any good?