Sabin Frost
Doom makes me happy
Vampire Counts FTW
(I am hoping we are talking about the same game....)
Yes, I play Warhammer Fantasy Battles and have since fifth eddition. I mostly play High Elves, but I also play Lizardmen and (used to, like four years ago) play Orcs. I have rather sizeable armies and can field many other armies I dont play... I guess you can say I have accumulated a lot of it.
I used to play Guard and Eldar, but neither since around Eye of terror in 3rd eddition, I dont like 40k much.
I also have played every one of the fanatic games at one point or another, Inquisitor is my favourite but very hard to get people involved in, set up terrain etc. but other then that Battlefleet Gothic and Necromunda more then the others.