Controversial opinions on metal

I've always liked Peste Noire and welcome the idea of any band members branching off into other styles of music (Soror Dolorosa is great) but Alcest (and everything shoegaze that I've heard) is just far too saccharine for me personally, not my thing.

I find it hard to call Neige a "member" of Peste Noire considering he was kicked out of the band before they even made a demo. I guess he did write a song for Folkfuck Folie but that hardly counts.
Pretty much, except no where near as good.Mixing genres is generally crap aswell.Just means a watered down end result,which is what we have with Alcest.All hype to sell a few albums.In saying that,they did have one shining moment with Le Secret,not that i've checked out their latest,despite it getting hyped around these here parts.
listen to this one at least:

I really don't see the problem with mixing genres. I'd call Agalloch a mixture of black metal, doom metal, folk, post rock, and prog rock and they are my favorite band.
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I will listen to it but really shoegaze and BM are like chalk and cheese and after the first few initial spins,i'll either go back to Inquisition or throw on some Slowdive or Ride.Not sure if that's the case for everyone but I think it'd have to be pretty spectacular to stand the test of time.
It's good to get this stuff clear,for myself especially and i'm speaking generally here.I can no longer afford to be buying albums that're just gonna be sitting around collecting dust.Next year i'll just be buying those few mandatory albums and i'll be relying on you good folks to give me the heads up.Besides the $ factor I don't want a shitload of crappy cds lying around.Gotta bring in some quality control.
I like shoegaze and post rock myself... but I feel like, atleast with post rock, it goes better with sludge instead of black metal.

Most of the shoegaze/bm bands I've heard really seem to play shoegaze for most of the album with black metal parts here and there. I dont really understand why some of them are even labeled metal.
If metal can't be branded as 'cheesy' or 'laughable' by people who don't listen to the genre, it's probably because it lacks the romantic aspects that make quality metal good in the first place. Any such criticism from indie-hipsters (who usually prefer subtlety* in music) can often be taken as a receipt that the music is going in the right direction, because they're missing the whole point of metal by viewing music as some kind of inoffensive accessory. I devote so much time to music, it would be a shame to waste it on any kind thereof that isn't over the top enough to have me absolutely fucking head over heels for it.

* Conceptual subtlety, not compositional.
It's good to get this stuff clear,for myself especially and i'm speaking generally here.I can no longer afford to be buying albums that're just gonna be sitting around collecting dust.Next year i'll just be buying those few mandatory albums and i'll be relying on you good folks to give me the heads up.Besides the $ factor I don't want a shitload of crappy cds lying around.Gotta bring in some quality control.

You don't download them to see if they're good first?