Controversial opinions on metal

Souvenirs seriously had the musical and emotional depth of a childrens book.

Yeah..kinda hard to describe..they call themselves fucking fairy metal or something,kinda punkish,pisstake sorta stuff.I think they were doing their bit to keep shoegaze out've BM.Check'em out I quite enjoy them.
Brutal death metal and grindcore blows.

most death metal blows...there is some that is good...mostly just the music though...the vocals are all the same and sound overaggerated...i agree that grindcore is garbage too...alot of "true" metalheads like to bash the subgenres but i can understand why...alot of metalcore sounds emo but there are some good bands out there...most grind and deathcore is annoying...horns up!:yell:

BJ Nash aka warchild
Originally Posted by The Ozzman
So Korn is metal and rock?

korn i would classify as expeirmental metal/hard rock

Originally Posted by Wvrm
Please tell me youre not a Dimebag fan. Kill yourself.

yes i am a dimebag fan and no i wont kill myself cuz i have a wife and kids to take care

Originally Posted by ArneZ
Black people should be banned from making music for eternity.

wow...uncalled for...besides black people make metal/rock too and alot of it is good...

oh yeah and someone wrote something along the lines of black metal not being so special...i agree...alot of black metal musicians are amazing at thier instruments but most are overly technical...its a little too much sometimes..and the vocals are offense to anyone...just my opinion...horns up!

BJ Nash aka warchild

BJ nash
the popularity of alcest kind of proves how clueless and bigoted black metal fans are seeing as they're just a derivative, uninspired, third rate shoegaze band, a perfect example of the kind of inoffensive prettiness extreme metal was always a reaction against. if you've decided to be all open minded and enjoy shoegaze then go listen to fucking slowdive or something you faggots. hell, listen to tragic kingdom. listen to me fart out of my ass.
I've always liked Peste Noire and welcome the idea of any band members branching off into other styles of music (Soror Dolorosa is great) but Alcest (and everything shoegaze that I've heard) is just far too saccharine for me personally, not my thing.
the popularity of alcest kind of proves how clueless and bigoted black metal fans are seeing as they're just a derivative, uninspired, third rate shoegaze band, a perfect example of the kind of inoffensive prettiness extreme metal was always a reaction against. if you've decided to be all open minded and enjoy shoegaze then go listen to fucking slowdive or something you faggots. hell, listen to tragic kingdom. listen to me fart out of my ass.

I don't think many BM fans listen to Alcest regularly but i'd wage that it's piqued the interest of shoegazers towards BM,you raging homo.