Controversial opinions on metal

Either way, recommending a death doom band in favor of a trad doom band still makes you an idiot. As does describing anything about Watching from a Distance as Ozzy Osbourne worship.
Warning's singer sounds like an Ozzy impersonator.

And doom is doom to me. If a little growling upsets your vagina, why would I care?

Maybe on the demos, though he's closer to Scott Reagers there. But on Watching From a Distance, absolutely not. And if you don't like some repetitive riffs, you shouldn't be listening to doom.
Where'd I say that I don't like repetitive riffs? Jesu is one of my favorite bands. I said that some of their riffs are repeated too much. The album is a bit too monochrome and monotonous. I like it, but it's ridiculously overrated.
It's only overly monotonous if you're focusing on the wrong aspects of the music imo. On tracks like Bridges you have to focus on the sorrowful lyrics and vocals at times above all else or of course you'll get bored. I mean that song has like 3 riffs.

It isn't some amazing riffy doom album, but it's one of the most emotional experiences ever, and for that it ranks amongst my favorites.
If Patrick Walker sounds like Ozzy on Watching from a Distance, then Jonas Renske sounds like Quorthon on Dance of December Souls. Also, I didn't say Morgion was bad, I said it was stupid to recommend a death doom band when discussing a trad doom band, since they're, you know, basically different genres. Candlemass, Solitude Aeternus, and and Saint Vitus are very different in sound to Anathema, Evoken, or Mystic Charm.
Nice reply. This way you don't have to acknowledge that you were wrong yet pretend to be cool.
Wrong? I'm a huge doom fan so I recommended one of my favorite doom metal bands. Who cares if they have growls compared to clean vocals? When I recommend people my favorite black metal albums, I recommend albums like Autumn Aurora, Dead as Dreams, Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera, La sanie des siecles, etc. despite the fact that the albums are only connected by a tenuous genre tag and not by theme or content or even the basic, core sounds.

You sound really, really close-minded to me. Why do you compartmentalize music so much? That's not a respectable trait.
Wrong? I'm a huge doom fan so I recommended one of my favorite doom metal bands. Who cares if they have growls compared to clean vocals? When I recommend people my favorite black metal albums, I recommend albums like Autumn Aurora, Dead as Dreams, Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera, La sanie des siecles, etc. despite the fact that the albums are only connected by a tenuous genre tag and not by theme or content or even the basic, core sounds.

You sound really, really close-minded to me. Why do you compartmentalize music so much? That's not a respectable trait.

Traditional doom is derived from heavy metal. Death doom is derived from death metal. They're different genres, essentially. Their main characteristic in common is that they're slow. If we classified genres based on tempo then a lot of thrash, speed, death, and black metal would all be the same thing. I'm not overly concerned with "compartmentalization", by which I take to mean feeling a need to place bands within defined genres. I'm simply intelligent enough to realize that liking Warning is not a very good indicator that you will also like Morgion, because, you know, they're different. A lot. I like every band I mentioned, by the way. Also, you should check out the interview that I did with Haughm.
The first time I listened to Watching from a Distance, I compared it to Mourning Beloveth with the singer of Primordial. I don't see how they are that musically dissimilar to a death doom band like Mourning Beloveth. Vocally, sure there are some pretty obvious differences, but musically they are very similar.