Controversial opinions on metal

The first time I listened to Watching from a Distance, I compared it to Mourning Beloveth with the singer of Primordial. I don't see how they are that musically dissimilar to a death doom band like Mourning Beloveth. Vocally, sure there are some pretty obvious differences, but musically they are very similar.

Well that's because you're an idiot and obviously don't listen to a lot of things that sound like Warning (i.e. traditional doom metal like the album's primary influence, Revelation), so you have to resort to comparing it with the things that you do listen to. You don't realize how dissimilar traditional doom and death doom are because you don't know anything about traditional doom.

Anyway, I'm done with this. Although I admit you're a little less annoying than the last time you posted here regularly.
Nah man, I have heard a lot of traditional doom and Warning reminds me just as much of doom death bands I have heard as they do traditional doom, outside of the vocals. Your irrational outburst of nerdrage seems to me to be the initial signs of a paradigm shift in your worldview. It's ok man, we've all been there. Just recognize the emotions for what they are and ride the wave.
Warning is obviously one of the more fringe bands within traditional doom, or at least that last album, due to its excessively slow and lethargic pace. It's probably the slowest traditional doom metal album ever, actually. But that is irrelevant to the fact that by and large traditional doom and death doom are very different from one another. At best, Watching from a Distance is some type of 'exception', which is obvious considering basically everybody has listened to it when that certainly can't even be said for Walker's cousin's band, Solstice. The rest of your post doesn't even make sense so I'm going to ignore it.
Music is music. You are trying to draw too many lines, delineating things too much. That's a stagnant mindset. That breeds a lack of creativity. That's fucking awful man. Why would you ever want to even think like that?

Because thinking like you do leads to abominations like Alcest.

I was actually surprised that I didn't consider Ecailles de Lune to be a life changing masterpiece, like Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde was. Still give Ecailles a 10 / 10 though. Fucking love it for what it is.