Controversial opinions on metal

Dimmu Borgir blows even in comparison to some newer metal bands.

August Burns Red is a decent metalcore band, but being a decent metalcore band makes it shit overall, and nothing their drummer does is impressive.

Behemoth is ok, but overrated.
Gorgoroth is great, you're a faggot.

Metallica is highly overrated, but still a better band then anything in your signature.

Alexi Laiho is a soulless shredder with no emotion, and CoB sucks donkey cock.

He's ok.

Immortal is great.

You like Rush? You just went up a bit in my books.
Dimmu Borgir is not complete shit. i completely disagree. while ik there are bands that outrank them by far, they are not dis-pleasing to the ear at all. frankly, i enjoy myself some dimmu every now and then. and ive never been ashamed to say it.

abr is a metalcore band. i know them personally and frankly, they outleage their competition. matt greiner has a shit load of talent and i stand behind him fully.

i love black metal, but gorgoroth and behemoth are just way too satanic for my tastes. i mean, i dont mind it being mentioned, but damnit every fucking song has to do with satan. im no christian either. it just got old.

dont like anything metallica did other than ride the lightning and a bit of master of puppets.

CoB got me into the metal world, and frankly the only thing that brings them down is alexi's shit screaming. synergy was fucking amazing.


immortal 4 life

yep, i bleed rush. cant help it. dunno why. i have every album on vinyl and cd.
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I love Dimmu Borgir

Don't listen to August Burns Red

Behemoth is amazing

Gorgoroth is good

Pre-Black Album Metallica is my favourite thrash

Have no opinion

Haven't heard him

I agree, Immortal's videos kick ass

Never really listened to Rush
Dimmu Borgir doesn't deserve half the shit talk they get compared to the sea of shitty newer metal bands out at the moment.

I agree. At least if your talking DCA and all albums previous Dimmu.

August burns red sounds fucking amazing at times. matt greiner is one hell of a drummer.

No, they sound like complete shit all the time.

i hate behemoth

Me too.

i hate gorgoroth

Sucks to be you.

metallica is a bunch of overrated jackoffs, ride the lightning is the only contradiction. not to mention they've sold out more than hannah montanna.

Not really.

I worship Alexi Laiho

Wow, it actually makes more sense to worship Jesus than to worship that fucking loser.

The best guitarist to ever live was Tony Macalpine.

You couldn't be more wrong.

immortals music video's are fucking awesome.

Meh, they're good for a laugh.

i am a rush fanboy, and just paid 200 dollars for tickets to their show in Toledo.

I love Rush too, but $200? I wouldn't even pay that much to see Faust murder all the guys from "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy", Elton John, Adam Lambert, and Perez Hilton simultaneously.
200 bucks got me 2 tickets in the third row and a big package of stuff. 2 cd's, 2 shirts, a signed poster, and something else. havent gotten it in yet.
behemoth are just way too satanic for my tastes.
Behemoth aren't truly Satanic at all anymore...
Also not really black metal at all anymore.
But seriously, all their lyrics are about either Crowley and Thelema, various mythologies, or some shit like that...some references to Satanism, but pretty much only as a symbol for individualism. Certainly no devil-worship. Really, not that many black metal bands are less Satanic.
Behemoth aren't truly Satanic at all anymore...
Also not really black metal at all anymore.
But seriously, all their lyrics are about either Crowley and Thelema, various mythologies, or some shit like that...some references to Satanism, but pretty much only as a symbol for individualism. Certainly no devil-worship. Really, not that many black metal bands are less Satanic.

well thats one big reason why im such a huge immortal fan. beacuse they dont shove it down your throats like most of the other bands do.
How long have you been into metal? Just curious because I've noticed that most people care about lyrical themes for the first year or three and then stop really being bothered by them unless it's something really out there (Most brutal death metal, or stuff like Arghoslent).
How long have you been into metal? Just curious because I've noticed that most people care about lyrical themes for the first year or three and then stop really being bothered by them unless it's something really out there (Most brutal death metal, or stuff like Arghoslent).

It wasnt directed towards me but Ill answer.

I first listened to hard rock when in 1988 and progressed to metal during 1993 or so. To me lyrics was always an important part. You dont have to agree with everything but just random mumbo jumbo wont do it. Cannibal Corpse is a good example. Although Im no big fan of the music anyway. But shitty written lyrics usually equals me not bying the record unless the music is really, really good.

I also hate certain themes. Party music - sex, drygn and rock n roll - is an automatic "no, no" for me.

To totally disregard such a big aspect of music is weird to me. One reason Immortal sounds cold to people are because of the lyrics. Many bands define themselves with their lyrics. People thought dark funeral were posers almost from the start because of the lyrics as well. Its a big part of the music.