Controversial opinions on metal

Look into my eyes, what do you see?
Cult of personality
I know your anger, I know your dreams
I’ve been everything you want to be
I’m the cult of personality
Like mussolini and kennedy
I’m the cult of personality
Cult of personality
Cult of personality
Viking metal is not a genre. It's a lyrical topic. The closest thing there is to "viking metal" is black metal with Scandinavian folk bits. Most of which sucks.

Hammerheart is most definitely not 'black metal with Scandinavian folk bits.' It is THE viking metal sound. Same with a band like Moonsorrow or Falkenbach and some others.

Definitely wouldn't call any of those black metal.
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Hammerheart is crappy Manowar worship. It's traditional/power. Don't feel like listening to those others, but if they sound like the relevant Bathory albums, they're probably traditional/power too.
Yeah, still power metal.

They're nothing more than a slightly gayer version of early Children of Bodom.

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Here's a semi-unpopular opinion: drummers who "tap" when using triggers (meaning only let the beater move an inch or two) don't bother me in the slightest. Although I don't like the sound of ultra-processed music, for the guys that use triggers like Inferno of Behemoth, I don't consider it "cheating" at all.
Anyone that seriously complains about "cheating" in metal is full retard, a person far too concerned with meaningless numbers and not enough with quality song writing.

ITT people start throwing the term "power metal" around carelessly.

Wintersun is definitely power metal. A fully lame blackened progressive flower variant, but I don't see what other general metal sub-genre better applies.
Viking metal is not a genre. It's a lyrical topic. The closest thing there is to "viking metal" is black metal with Scandinavian folk bits. Most of which sucks.

Hammerheart is most definitely not 'black metal with Scandinavian folk bits.' It is THE viking metal sound. Same with a band like Moonsorrow or Falkenbach and some others.

I take Mort to be defending the term "viking metal" as marking a discrete genre of metal. I'm inclined to agree, although I know the evidence otherwise is quite convincing.

Most metal that attempts to qualify itself as viking metal ends up being something that can simply be redescribed as folk metal; however, I'm still somewhat convinced that certain examples fall somewhere between what I would call simply folk metal or black metal, and I want to try and see if I can delineate the elusive genre they fall under. Mort, perhaps you'll want to assist (if you even agree with what I'm saying).

I think that folk metal constitutes a faster, more lively song structure than what I would consider to be viking metal. I've always believed that viking metal incorporates a doom influence; Bathory does this on Hammerheart and the Nordland albums, but it's truly illuminated and expounded upon by Ereb Altor. Thyrfing employs the full doom influence on Vansinnesvisor, which I believe is a viking metal album. I also think of Einherjar as viking metal (or at least their album Blot). Moonsorrow employ similar song structures as well.

EDIT: Mort, you mentioned Falkenbach, which I would agree with and add Doomsword.

Hammerheart is crappy Manowar worship. It's traditional/power. Don't feel like listening to those others, but if they sound like the relevant Bathory albums, they're probably traditional/power too.

I can't express in words how dumb this comment is.