Controversial opinions on metal

Post All Hell Breaks Loose era Destruction > Infernal Overkill era Destruction.

Complete and utter blasphemy. They went from one of the most distinctive and rifftastic bands in thrash to sheer blandness. The Antichrist still has some good moments, but as a whole their best material was easily before it.
Infernal Overkill should have been rerecorded, I understand they were self producing at that point but they could have atleast done a couple more takes with the drum tracks. If it were produced differently I would find myself enjoying it more.
Necroraven: I share your sentiment about tech-death (Obscura, Gorguts, Cryptopsy, and Demilich being some exceptions), as scale-spamming bullshit like Brain Drill needs to fucking die off already.

But Deathspell Omega is an amazing band, and I am thankful for albums like Si Monumentum and Paracletus. Nothing Hirilorn's ever done is even in the same ballpark, in my opinion.
I have the CD Legends of Evil and Eternal Death and I think it's a fantastic album but Deathspell Omega also put out some great stuff so I'm kinda glad things worked out the way they did.
Yeah. I think Hirilorn's good, don't get me wrong. But DSO's on an entirely different level.

And no, I'm not gonna say they're one of the best BM bands either but I'm honestly astounded there's hate for them at all. :/
I listen to Legends of Evil and Eternal Death more than anything by DSO although I think Si Monumentum in particular is a superior album. Legends is excellent melodic black metal with really interesting leads but has some weak spots. Si Monumentum is obviously a more original and cohesive album.
Yeah. I think Hirilorn's good, don't get me wrong. But DSO's on an entirely different level.

And no, I'm not gonna say they're one of the best BM bands either but I'm honestly astounded there's hate for them at all. :/

I'm not surprised by the backlash, this sort of thing happens all the time. When a band makes a name for themselves, people begin to talk about the band and naturally encourage others to check them out, and eventually this turns into a form of hype. Whenever there's any sort of hype, there will always be instant skeptics. People seemingly waiting to tear bands down and talk trash about them simply because they weren't impressed enough or because they don't get it.
Well, I'd say this is a bit more specific than just stating an opinion that may be controversial. It's almost like a natural response people have. Hating on things that are popular/successful or at least perceived to be.
No, because it's not boring. It's flawed and certainly overrated, but it's still a good album, verging on a very good album.
-Iron Maiden and Killers are among the band's few worst albums

-Reckless Love is fucking good

-Storm of the Light's Bane is vastly superior to The Somberlain (which still is one of the best metal albums ever)

-Kai Hansen > Michael Kiske

-Gary Moore's Run For Cover and Wild Frontier are metal

-Kings of Metal is the best Manowar album
-Iron Maiden and Killers are among the band's few worst albums

-Kings of Metal is the best Manowar album

Killers is their best, you failure, and the S/T is only behind because the shorter and simpler songs do get a little repetitious. Both are excellent and anyone that prefers either to the last three albums fails at Iron Maiden.

Kings of Metal is extremely inconsistent, and not remotely close to Hail to England as their best. The blatantly stupid songs (bass solo, Pleasure Slave, The Crown and the King, and The Warriors Prayer) alone make a third of the album dispensable, and the others do little that they hadn't accomplished previously. The few songs that are great don't save it.
Quick interjection: The new Arch Enemy is meh/ok, but lulz from the mainpage of their website:

The wait is finally over as "Khaos Legions", the highly anticipated new masterpiece by ARCH ENEMY has hit stores all across Europe! The album is already being hailed as one of the metal releases of 2011 and the bands strongest effort in years so make sure to secure your copy of the new album right away.

Some pretty elite company.

/pretentious on

Edit: Also, Killers is one of IM's top 3 albums for sure, to state otherwise is to profoundly err and expose a systematic misunderstanding of heavy metal.

/pretentious off