Controversial opinions on metal

Symphonic black metal is black metal so how can it be better than black metal?

Also the guy said a fleshgod apocalypse song was the best death metal song he ever heard.
Well, then if you want to get pedantic about it, then I meant that symphonic black metal is better than *traditional* black metal. Show me any "normal" black metal that can touch the supreme sexiness of symphonic black metal tracks like this:

Oh, and Fleshgod Apocalypse is symphonic death metal, which totally dominates and obliterates traditional death metal, just like its symphonic black metal counterpart.
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Symphonic black metal is black metal so how can it be better than black metal?

Also the guy said a fleshgod apocalypse song was the best death metal song he ever heard.

Symphonic black metal and black metal are fucking awesome, as are symphonic death metal and death metal. :kickass:
I don't really have a preference between symphonic and traditional black metal. I just know I like it atmospheric as fuck.

This. Symphonic BM's gotta have enough atmosphere and rhythm for me to dig it, and flirt with the ideas of the avant garde branch of metal. If it's just a guy on keyboards playing a shit ton of ostinatos and arpeggios on different "classical" sounding patches over blast beats, count me out.

Shit like this is definitely SAF:

Shit like this makes me yawn:

... but I do like later AW.
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This. Symphonic BM's gotta have enough atmosphere and rhythm for me to dig it, and flirt with the ideas of the avant garde branch of metal. If it's just a guy on keyboards playing a shit ton of ostinatos and arpeggios on different "classical" sounding patches over blast beats, count me out.

Shit like this is definitely SAF:

Shit like this makes me yawn:

... but I do like later AW.

I like them both actually, although I do agree that the former does have a darker and more enveloping atmosphere on the whole. The latter has more in the way of keyboard work, which I always enjoy. I'll have to get hold of the albums... Abigail Williams is a really odd name for a black metal band though, what's the story with that?
There are certainly plenty of good sympho bands black or death. However the one thing those genres can suffer from is an imbalance between the symphonic elements and the metal elements. I.E too much emphasis on keyboards or what have you. Early Emperor and Dimmu are good examples of tasteful symphonic black metal in my opinion. Bands like Limbionic Art on the other hand...well not so much. As far as Symphonic BM being superior to regular BM, I wouldn't go that far.
not as bad as everyone says it is.

That's strange that you say that because in my experience fans of the band usually regard it as their "classic" album and casual listeners I've found tend to agree as well. I also wasn't aware of that album or band for that matter being considered norsecore. Granted they have some norsecore tendencies but you could say that about a lot of bm bands really.
That's strange that you say that because in my experience fans of the band usually regard it as their "classic" album and casual listeners I've found tend to agree as well. I also wasn't aware of that album or band for that matter being considered norsecore. Granted they have some norsecore tendencies but you could say that about a lot of bm bands really.
i think it's pretty much one of those albums that half the people love and half the people hate. most people i talk to call it the most generic way of playing blast heavy black metal or something similar. i feel close to the same way really.
the first three Sigh albums are okay and i use to like Mirrorthrone but that's about it. Emperor's side of their split with Enslaved is okay too i guess.