Controversial opinions on metal


I've actually been to a Cradle of Filth show, but that was back in 99 or '00. One of my buddies had basically dragged me there with him and i actually ended up enjoying the show.

I 100% and un-ironically like a lot of CoF. Midian in particular is a fantastic album. Cthulu Dawn, Saffron's Curse, Her Ghost in the Fog, and Lord Abortion are all excellent.
I 100% and un-ironically like a lot of CoF. Midian in particular is a fantastic album. Cthulu Dawn, Saffron's Curse, Her Ghost in the Fog, and Lord Abortion are all excellent.
Yeah its good stuff. Cradle are really good at overly theatrical bombast and a good portion of it is super catchy, although I don't foresee myself actually listening to an entire album of there’s anytime soon. Nothing against them, just not what I reach for these days.
I never understood why everyone whines about them not being true black metal. They've NEVER said they were. I think the term Dani uses is "extreme metal" or usually just "heavy metal". The only connection they have is the bombast and the songs with a lot of minor-keys.
Fine with maiden and megadeth and even omen but I have to disagree with deep purple over zep. Led Zeppelin beat the world over the head with music unforgotten today album after album like I've never seen a hard rock band do.
... Only album i have of theirs is a cassette of IV that i've never even really listened to. I'm pretty much the opposite, most of their stuff i've heard has been pretty boring and forgettable to me. I did listen to their first album a couple weeks ago and thought it was pretty meh ..... but i know i'm in the minority here with pretty much everything i just said, lol.

you have anything from DP?
... Only album i have of theirs is a cassette of IV that i've never even really listened to. I'm pretty much the opposite, most of their stuff i've heard has been pretty boring and forgettable to me. I did listen to their first album a couple weeks ago and thought it was pretty meh ..... but i know i'm in the minority here with pretty much everything i just said, lol.

you have anything from DP?

I own Fireball and I've listened to In Rock, Machine Head, and Burn. Dont get me wrong, I like the band... fuck I like anything Blackmore touches but I've grown up listening to Zep and still listen to them now. (granted it's the full albums instead of the songs on the radio, but I still feel like the quality is there)

To be honest I think Zep just reminds me of better times... easier times, at very least.
Peace Sells is weak, and i mean literally weak(compared to the others), it lacks the balls and aggressiveness the other three have, there's just no punch to most of the album. It's the least thrashiest, most hard rock influenced album out of their first four ... all that said i still enjoy it, but nowhere near as much as the other three, not even close.

SFSGSW is so underrated that it's not even funny, that album is a thrash metal classic imo.

RiP > KiMB > SFSGSW > Peace Sells
Peace Sells doesn't have anything nearly as dickless as In My Darkest Hour. I don't know where you're getting "hard rock influenced" from. It has a couple of non-thrash, traditional metal songs like the title track and Devil's Island. The others have Chosen Ones, Mary Jane, and Lucretia. Big deal. Aggression and balls aren't really Megadeth's biggest selling points anyways.

EDIT: SFSGSW used to be my favorite and I would gladly sing its praises too, but the song-writing isn't nearly as inspired on a whole as the previous two. Additionally, the drummer is absolute shit and the production only serves to emphasize that. Set the World Afire is pretty much a perfect song, but unsurprisingly it was also one of the first songs he wrote. I'm pretty sick of the album now.
Actually, aggression was one of the biggest selling points for early Megadeth. Everything up to and including RiP is fast, aggressive, ripping thrash metal ... the only time they really took their foot off the pedal was with Peace Sells. And when im saying hard rock im not talking fucking aerosmith bro, i always end up lumping heavier hard rock with early heavy metal.

... to say aggression and balls werent a selling point for anything pre-Rust is just plain wrong.

and fuck you for not liking In My Darkest Hour, that's one their best.