Controversial opinions on metal

I've only listened to swamped in gore more than once but I thought it was pretty good early brutal death metal. I have heard bits and pieces of the other albums or listened to them maybe once and the 0% on their new album is just some asshole looking for attention. There's no way that album is anywhere near a zero.
Well written regarding English proficiency, sure, but...

You know this "one 40 minute death metal song" is going to be bad just from the very beginning. Immediately, you are slammed with a down tuned Korn riff reminiscent of later day Roadrunner Records angst rock, followed by a clean break that is made "heavy" by turning the distortion pedal on again in a manner eerily reminiscent of 2000s angst-y soft-heavy whine rock. It then goes back to that one Korn riff. This is not going to be a good album, but you throw in the Dan Swanö namesake and "progressive/forward thinking" marketing banter and you could fool the masses into believing this is the best thing since sliced bread.

As with most concept albums, the concept to this album is pretty stupid. It feels like what would happen if Children of Men were turned into a Marvel comic: some dystopian future that seems almost entirely ripped off from the novel. Same themes, same story, except with what I assume are "religious" allusions with the child at the center of this story being a Jesus equivalent. Of course, none of this matters since the music relays none of this imagery and comes off like a 40 minute medley that acts as a garbage plate of ideas that were too terrible to even be featured on an album as bad as the Purgatory Afterglow LP than an actual "song".

For starters, none of the music here is organized or structured in any meaningful way, and it's through sheer randomness that this album has falsely attained the "progressive" tag. From the already mentioned Korn-y beginning, we go to "part 2" of this 10 part song, with no real discernible differences between any of the parts. Dan Swanö belts out his clumsily pieced together tale with the faux-growls that would later influence metalcore, whiny clean vocals, and off putting Sisters of Mercy parodying goth crooning (made worse than it already was on previous goth crowd pandering tune Sacrificed). The music is nothing more than a melange of groove metal crap, cheerful mellow-deaf like the "heavy" parts from Amorphis' Elegy, clean whiny indie rock, and worst of all - the "pretending to be extreme" parts. During these parts fast drums play over what sounds like The Somberlain era Dissection playing their favorite parts from old Capcom video games. The music is stylistically fragmented as already mentioned, but it's also emotionally schizophrenic, randomly going from cheerful and cute little pleasant sounds to a roaring ruckus of faux-aggression going into a Rush derivative section and everything in between. That's not progressive, it's random and nonsensical. This album fails on every level, not really knowing what it wants to accomplish and jumping between parts at random that suggests a group of guys sat in a room and pasted together random parts with no rhyme or reason. If you want progressive music that actually has lasting value, conviction, and doesn't pretend by hiding uneventful crap in a 40 minute display of randomness, pick up the second Atheist album. If you were looking for good Swedish death metal instead, skip Edge of Sanity (and pretty much anything on Black Mark that's not Bathory) altogether and pick up the first Dismember and Entombed albums. This is just an over glorified drink coaster that's more focus group "how will we make people think Edge of Sanity is forward thinking, etc." derived product than the byproduct of artistic intent. Avoid.

korn korn sarcastic quotation marks not true x faux faux korn

To be controversial, I do think that his review would be somewhat well-suited for Purgatory Afterglow, however (not regarding Korn influence or whatever, but just with how easy it is to make people think something is progressive death metal).
His review of Colored Sands

Strange dissonance, odd chord shapes, tortured vocals, and non-linear song structures are all Gorguts bring from their past to this album: a modernized, normed version of their previous album made palpable for the modern metal audience. It seemed a disaster was well in the making. First, the Negativa album was dismal - a watered down, compromised version of Steeve Hurdle's unorthodox approach to music making. It could be said his absence was the reason From Wisdom to Hate was a step down from Obscura, being a more straightforward affair in regards to arrangements and even an emphasis on more simple "hooks". Finally, there's the fact that Luc Lemay can be seen wearing a Tool shirt in a promo pic and recent interviews claiming Opeth and Porcupine Tree influenced the writing of this album. The fact that he began writing this album after temporarily disbanding the group to pursue outside interests suggest the passion was lost, and now he's trying to reclaim his position in the "dissonant, technical death metal" sphere after realizing Ulcerate and Deathspell Omega have become ever so popular.

The inclusion of the musicians from Behold... the Arctopus seemed like another nail in the coffin. These guys never released anything that wasn't a calculated, meticulously crafted turd. Sure enough, Gorguts have released a turd as well. An album that could snuggly fit in with the "edgy" death metal Unique Leader and Willowtip records have been trying to convince people was "the new thing" ever since 2007, but with the Gorguts brand name attached to it.

First, the concept of this album is just stupid. From a band that went from dumb lyrics (Considered Dead) to lyrics that embody a wide range of abstract emotions and a view dissociated from social norms (Obscura), this albums lyrics are the cheesy, P.C. type of lyrics one can expect Job for a Cowboy to write if they felt "artsy". From the rhyming words to the basic concepts about "the wheel of time" and "enlightenment" (borrowed from Tibetan monk ideologies), they come off as poorly stitched together thesaurus abuse from the teenage version of the Decrepit Birth vocalist attempting to be "deep" after reading the lyrics to Cynic's Focus. If you were looking for the lyrics to match the music, look elsewhere. This has Gojira-esque slacktivist propaganda peddling written all over it (look at the cover art). Words thrown on top of sound with no correlation.

The music seems like From Wisdom to Hate on the surface. Strange, eerie dissonance and unorthodox musicianship is only a mask for rather plain music with simple goals. Rhythm holds together a series of suspended notes into grooves, that while not chugga chugga, were clearly designed for head nodding. The blasting sections seem more akin to what Immolation did for a good amount of time on Close to a World Below, as a break between grooves and slowly lurching parts that seem more like what a "post-sludge" band would attempt. Now, this is the problem. The music moves in easily defined sections, a doomy groove, blasting, dissonance... and they feel hastily stitched together into a working structure. While Luc Lemay retained his attention to making these songs hold together somewhat, they don't feel like something that flows together, like the stream of thought that every song on Obscura can be said to be. This is a step down from previous Gorguts material's aspirations toward being seen as artistic statements and reducing any potential found here to being what could be expected from metal, reverting to the ghetto that the genre's song writing was outside of Gorguts and Immolation in 1998.

While all this would be bad by itself, it only gets worse. After a "classical instrumental", which feels grossly out of place (never mind lacking in comparison to, say, the short but highly evocative intro to Condemned to Obscurity from the Erosion of Sanity) next to the ill conceived simple metal masked in layers of dissonance in the most bratty and over demonstrative manner imaginable, comes the second half of the album. Here, Gorguts just get boring. The "post-sludge" elements are in full effect on these crawling tracks that feel more like the Dillinger Escape Plan covering Cult of Luna songs while doing tortured Lemay vocals over it. The songs have a lot of padding and really say nothing at the end of the day. According to Luc Lemay, this is his attempt to take the Gorguts sound into more "ambient" territory by utilizing his Opeth and Porcupine Tree influences. Unfortunately, it's just dressing up the music, not expanding it. Clean guitar interludes are thrown in haphazardly as well, bringing to mind bands like Ulcerate who came in to the music scene with Gorguts styled music that didn't approach their complexity. What's more alarming is that while you can separate the album into two halves, they are only distinct on the grounds that one is faster than the other. All the tracks share similar moment to moment song structures that give the whole package a uniform feel, making it seem like a small series of ideas divided unevenly between the 8 metal tracks.

Gorguts here is not a group of worth anymore. Before Gorguts made music out of layers of dissonance that sounded like abstract thoughts translated into sound - a full spectrum of emotion presented in an unorthodox work which transcended the standard death metal genre limitations, breathing new life into metal not just stylistically, but with its content as well. Here, Gorguts sound like a group of dispassionate musicians who treat their sound only as an aesthetic brand, and accomplish little more than making a highly polished piece of trash given the Gorguts surface treatment that gets really predictable and boring very fast. The instrumental skill is still there, but it all adds up to nothing worth listening to aside from a demonstration of unorthodox instrumentation. If this album didn't have the Gorguts name attached to it, it would just be another "post-death metal" album in the sea of them, with nothing to really set it apart aside from Luc Lemay's tortured vocal delivery. Vapid, but also another depressing display of musicians using a successful name but not keeping the standard of quality associated with it.
His reviews are basically just "I will insult this band by comparing it to a nu metal band" or I will compare this band to some mainstream band. He just constantly name drops popular bands (which he seems to know plenty about)

He's pretty much the quintessential metal basement dweller and will only have ever came out of a vagina, never into one.
The problem with "melodic death metal" as a sub-genre is that it's marketing via irony.

It's death metal, and yet, ironically, it's melodic.

Implication: the nature of death metal is not melodic so we've come up with something new.

Reality: most of it is warmed over heavy metal with a smidge of death metal technique, but not more... Heartwork is 1980s speed metal warmed over, as is Slaughter of the Soul (which lives up to its title).

Death metal always had the capacity to be melodic.

The first ATG album is both death metal, and melodic.

But it's not melodic death metal(tm) with a big slab of AIDS butter on it.
I'm going to intentionally pretend to ignore your "pretty much" and post this cover art:
