Controversial opinions on metal

I would consider you a pansy for trading actual heaviness for boring sweep riffs.

It seems to me that you just have no clue as to what "heaviness" is if you think the bands i listed aren't as heavy as most of the shit you post ... or maybe your ears are just plain broken? You're the same guy that was trying to imply that Iced Eearth is heavier than most thrash, right? :lol:

As far as technical death metal is concerned, I really only listen to Ulcerate and Hour of Penance.

I still need to sink my teeth into that new Ulcerate album and give it a thorough listen.
It seems to me that you just have no clue as to what "heaviness" is if you think the bands i listed aren't as heavy as most of the shit you post ... or maybe your ears are just plain broken? You're the same guy that was trying to imply that Iced Eearth is heavier than most thrash, right? :lol:

Well lets try to consider that heaviness used in the context of anything labeled as death metal is subjective.

Atheist, although interesting enough to sometimes listen to, overall I find them pretty boring just barley heavy enough to even possibly consider them as death metal, also their vocalist kind of sucks.

Spawn of Possession, is boring and overly technical to the point where I cannot stand their music, the first album wasn't as horrible as the last two though.

Cryptopsy, is not your average band, personally I would consider their earliest material brutal death metal, after that period they kind of went shit entirely, some of their stuff after none so vile I like but I would never wake up and be like " oh shit what a lovely day for some Cryptopsy " Also they're probably the most overrated death metal band ever.

Death always maintained a heaviness in their sound and always had good riffs, nothing bad to say about them. Maybe they get seriously overrated now because Chuck died but the music still remains the same to me.

Obscura is some of the most boring shit I've ever had the displeasure of listening to, they have some decent songs like ocean gateways though and their main composer is pretty damn good at copy other bands (Death and Dissection mainly)

Martyr has one album (warp zone) that I actually enjoy quite a lot, reminds me of early-ish Meshuggah mixed in with some of the prog death that was going on then, the title track has some great riffs. Also the vocalist is pretty unique so that's kind of a plus.

Gorod, absolutely boring standard tech-death, they get great reviews but I certainly don't see anything special about them.

Origin, probably the shittiest band of all named bands, ooo look at us we're so br00tal and innovative with our super sweeps of omega br00tality and crappy metal/deathcore-esque breakdowns.

And I already made it clear I find Psycroptic fairly interesting and fun to listen to.

IYou're the same guy that was trying to imply that Iced Eearth is heavier than most thrash, right? :lol:

Almost missed this, no I'm not implying Iced Earth is entirely more heavy than most thrash, i was implying the song Dantes Inferno is more heavy than most thrash (at least thrash I've listened to, and obviously i'm not counting death/thrash)

Also I don't only listen to heavy music so your comment "heavier than most of the stuff you post" is totally irrelevant and relatively retarded.
Do you not like music heavier than say thrash metal? I think the song is extremely heavy especially for something labeled "thrash/power metal"

I don't see how it's any heavier than the average song they were doing at the time. If I'm looking for sheer heaviness alone, Iced Earth isn't exactly my go-to.

EDIT: Heavier than most thrash? What particular parts are you referring to?
I don't see how it's any heavier than the average song they were doing at the time. If I'm looking for sheer heaviness alone, Iced Earth isn't exactly my go-to.

Well yeah obviously but I think that song has more power than almost anything I've heard from regular thrash metal. Just hits you right in the face.
It's too labored to compete with a Holy Terror or Ulysses Siren, for example, who go straight for the throat but without sacrificing any melody or imagery.
There are some good tech death metal acts such as Anata, Theory In Practice, Demilich, Ulcerate, Timeghoul, Zealotry, etc. There are a lot of bands who only engage in mindless wankery tho (Beyond Creation, for example).
I actually enjoy a lot of wanky stuff myself, I don't care as long as the song is good. I get why people are put off by it but I don't understand the hatred towards it. A lot of people won't even give a "technical" band a chance a lot of the time it seems. I personally just see guitar "wanking" as any other musical aesthetic out there really.
Even though it's definitely wank-death, I still like the first Spawn of Possession quite a bit, at least on the occasional listen. Even stuff like Obscura and such are pretty listenable, although I rarely find myself going out of my way to listen to them.

Pantera saved metal from becoming completely overtaken by the endless hordes of black "metal" bands. Unfortunately by the 2000's they could no longer carry the flag and the entire world collapsed into an abyss of ambient, background metal.
Pantera did pioneer shit metal. They also pioneered a fan base who worships Dimebag as if he was a metal God.

That being said, I still love them. Over rated, shitty, trendy, whatever you want to call em, they were one of the first bands that got me into heavy music, along with countless others, so they hold a special spot for me.

Are they worth the hype? All the attention? All the fapping worship? Of course not. Do I still support them and listen to them? Fuck yeah I do.
Pantera does have some annoying fans but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of their music is still pretty good. Cowboys from Hell is a great album with a ton of awesome riffs on it. Southern Trendkill is another one I like by them as well.
Cabinet is more brutal death I would think. Wouldn't call that wanky,

Nah, it's still 100% percent technical death metal, it's just that it kind of leans more towards the old school sounding technical death metal bands than say their next two albums, which are super heavy on the guitar "wankery"(which i have no problem with).

It's like the prefect mix of ealier technical death metal with the more modern "tech-death" sound.

But yea, i wouldnt call it wanky either.

Southern Trendkill is another one I like by them as well.

Yea, TGST is awesome. :kickass:
Anselmo on his first two is amazing. All that Halford-influenced USPM glory, just with the added bonus of being able to throw in more swagger too. If you can listen to a song like Power Metal or Shattered without having an erection of steel, it means you probably suffered a trad-deprived childhood and need to kick your extreme metal habit. Only falsetto is true.
Actually I liked Pantera when I was a kid, there wasn't much else that I knew other than the typical big four, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, G&R, etc.